Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Our Zoo Adventure

We took our first big outing as a family of FOUR to the zoo.  Addie is really into animals these days, she loves to roar, baaa, and moo all day long and I knew she would love seeing all of the animals up close and personal. The humidity finally cooled down a little, so it was perfect for Bella too.  We had a blast walking around with the girls.  Addie loved the monkeys, giraffes, and was a huge fan of brushing the goats in the petting zoo.  Bella loved getting some fresh air and cruising in her stroller - she was passed out almost the entire time!  All in all it was a successful trip to the zoo and we are looking forward to many more in this fall!

"Hiiii!"  Addie loved saying hi and waving to all of the animals and every single person that walked by us!  She's such a friendly little girl!

Monkey family

Bella wasn't that impressed, she slept the entire time!

Addie on the other hand LOVED every single moment!

Baby giraffe nursing from his momma

Giraffe family

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