Thursday, November 6, 2014

Life on the Road

Happy November!  I can't believe it's already November and the holiday season is upon us! October seems like it came and went with the blink of an eye.  We have been extremely busy because we have spent our last 4 weekends on the road.  Although it has led to a headache or two, a very messy house with lots of dirty laundry, and a fussy baby at times each trip we took was totally worth it and a lot of fun so I want to take some time to recap our life on the road.

Trip #1:
We started our month of traveling in Salem, Virginia hanging out with our good friends Robert and Jill and meeting their adorable little girl, Josie, for the very first time.  We planned on spending our Saturday afternoon at the pumpkin patch in the mountains with the girls, but little did we know it would rain, the entire weekend.  It literally rained from the second we left our house Friday afternoon until we returned home Sunday evening.  Although we were all disappointed about missing out on the pumpkin patch, that just meant we had more time for baby snuggles :)

The men and their beautiful daughters

Addie and Josie are already best buds.

How cute are they?

Daddy's Little Princesses

Trip #2:
Next up was a mini-family-vacation to one of our favorite places, The Outer Banks.  Eric had to work in the OBX on Friday, so Addie and I met him there after school.  We got there just in time for a walk on the beach and to watch the sunset.  Once we put Addie to bed, Eric and I ordered pizza (from our favorite spot Slice of course) and relaxed.  We spent the day on the beach on Saturday, followed by dinner at The Colington Cafe.  We did some shopping at the Outlets on Sunday and then walked around Manteo, where Eric and I had our wedding reception.  We grabbed some lunch and then it was time for Addie and I to hit the road again because we had school on Monday morning.  It was another beautiful weekend in the Outer Banks full of lots of fun family memories!

Beach baby
We could get used to this view
A perk to waking up early with your 8 month old is that you get to see pretty sunsets like this!

"How do I look daddy?"

All dressed up for date night at the Colington Cafe with these 2.

Addie loves Manteo as much as her dad and I do.

Family pic!
Trip #3:
Our next stop was Pittsburgh.  On Friday, we went to Bonefish Grill with my parents and Kristen to celebrate Kristen's 21st birthday.  We went to Bryan's football game on Saturday morning, then my mom had everyone over for a big family dinner Saturday night. Julie, Todd, and Max even stopped over!  Sunday, we went to the pumpkin patch with Aunt Kristen, Grandma, and cousin Bryan followed by pumpkin carving and the Steeler game.  All in all it was a blast...and exhausting!

Pulling out all the tricks to keep this little girl happy in her car seat.
I LOVE this outfit, thanks Aunt Leah!
Happy birthday Aunt Krissy!
"Bryan I'm trying REALLY hard to color in the lines for you!"
Go Hawks and #28!
Pap and Addie cheering on Bryan

Football fun with daddy
And the Hawks up the Superbowl!  Go Bryan!
Uncle Mark with Anna and Addie!

Dinner date for 2

The girls playing with their shakers and Addie's new cell phone!
Max and Addie, both getting so big...and looking so cute!
Pumpkin patch fun.
"So cute it's scary!"

Trying on their costumes to make sure they fit for Halloween, Dorothy and a vampire.

 Stop #4:
The last stop during our month of traveling was to Carolina Beach for Jake's 1st birthday party!  Even though we were only there for a few hours, it's always fun to catch up with family.  We can't believe Jake is already 1 and we had a lot of fun celebrating with him!

Jake and Addie playing with Jake's toys.

Jake was loving his cake - homemade by his mommy I must add!
Chris, Abby, and Jake.  Happy birthday Jake!

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