Monday, November 3, 2014

Addie's 1st Halloween

If I'm being totally honest, Halloween has never been one of my favorite holidays.  Don't get me wrong, I love candy, I mean who doesn''s the "let's go spend a ton of money to buy a costume - that will probably look ridiculous - and that we'll only wear for about 2 hours total" that I'm not a fan of.  Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I've been a "Steelers Football Player" for the past 5 years or so.  Eric on the other hand loves to go all out!  He plans his costume weeks in advance and has no shame in opening up his wallet to make it happen.  Since I've never been into getting all dressed up, I've at least used it as an excuse to buy a new jersey and dress head to toe in my black and gold attire.  Eric was happy because I was in costume (if that even counts) and I was happy because I got a new jersey!

Then there was Addie.

There's something about having kids that changes everything, especially around the holidays.  Every holiday is a million times more fun now that we have Addie, Halloween included.  I have never been so excited to dress-up our little Addie girl (and I like to think she was equally excited!)

I'll have to give credit where credit is due to Eric for our costumes this year.  When we were bouncing ideas off of one another for Addie's costume, he came up with the Wizard of Oz theme.  Addie would make an adorable Dorothy, Coop already looks like a lion, and that left the scarecrow and tin man for Eric and I.   Eric knowing how I am about dressing up, let me choose which one I wanted and I went with the tin man.  I figured I would wear some grey leggings, a hoodie, and add on some tin foil accents and call it a day.  Plus, wearing burlap or hay didn't sound very comfortable.  That left Eric as the scarecrow and he went all out yet again in full head to toe scarecrow fashion.

On Halloween night, we all got dressed up in our costumes, took a few pictures, and we were ready to go.  Every year, our neighbors gather at the end of the cul-de-sac to sit around the fire, pass out candy, and enjoy some adult beverages.  This year was no different.  We trick or treated down the line and then spent the rest of the evening relaxing by the fire and passing out candy.  Addie loves watching people, so she loved every minute of it.  The masks didn't phase her and neither did the chainsaw that our neighbors use to scare the big kids.  She actually kind of liked it and would try to look for it when it turned off.  I have a feeling Addie is going to absolutely love Halloween in the future, just like her daddy!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

The cutest Dorothy I've ever seen!
She makes the silliest faces these days.

"Hey mom, where's Toto?  Why is my basket empty?"

The whole Wizard of Oz crew

Family fun!
Daddy's girl

We were VERY excited for trick-or-treating!
Our big girl in her adorable red shoes.  All smiles as usual!

"Wait mom, what do you mean it's almost bedtime?"
"I don't want Halloween to be over Mommy!"

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