Thursday, March 24, 2016

Eric's Birthday

We doubled up on birthday celebrations back in February when we had Addie's Pancake & Pajama party, but I'm a little behind on blogging and haven't gotten around to writing about it yet.  Eric is always surprising me, so I thought a fun night at Top Golf was the perfect birthday celebration and I knew he would be surprised because it was a month early.  Not only would the timing make it easier to surprise him, but my parents were in town so we also had free babysitters - which was a win win! 

The plan was to go out to an early dinner with everyone (my parents, Brian & Carla, my sister, and my nephew were all in town) plus the 4 of us.  Then, my parents were going to take all the kids home while the big kids went out for a few drinks and maybe live music.  Instead, Brian distracted Eric in the car with video after video of randomness on his phone and before we knew it we pulled into Top Golf for the surprise!  We had some friends meeting us there and luckily I signed us up for the Priority Pass so we only had to wait 15 minutes for our bay versus the 5 hour wait time.  We spent the night playing golf and socializing - I love our girls to death - but this was a much needed night out!  We had a few too many drinks and stayed up way past our bedtime, but it was a lot of fun celebrating a pretty special guy.

Fast forward a month, to Eric's actual birthday and the girls and I still had a few tricks up our sleeves. We have been working on updated Eric's office over the past couple of months and I wanted to make a special piece of art to hang over the couch.  I saw a tutorial on how to make your own hanging wall art with an engineer print on Pinterest and it was perfect for the industrial/rustic theme we were going for - plus who wouldn't want an oversized print of those adorable little girls!  When Eric got home from work, we celebrated with a Mexican Fiesta and then showed Eric his gift which he loved.  We sang Happy Birthday (more than once) and Addie helped him blow out the candles, then we treated ourselves to brownie sundaes. Happy Birthday Eric!

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