Tuesday, April 5, 2016

St. Patrick's Day Fun

Holidays are so much fun with my little cuties.  I always love a reason to plan a themed play date full of toddler crafts, yummy food, and lots of fun.  Although my green beer days are over, I wouldn't change a thing!  We started the morning out with green Lucky Charm pancakes and they were a hit!  The littles were pretty smart and quickly realized that the marshmallows were the best part and they picked out each and every one off of the tray.  Do you blame them though?  Then we attempted some fruit loop bracelets that became more of a mommy craft instead of a toddler craft because their attention span was all of 30 seconds long.  In between the eating and crafting, there was playing with toys, running circles around the house, and lots of laughs!  Happy (belated) St. Patrick's Day!  I hope your day was full of lots of green (whether it was green beer or pancakes!) and lots of Irish luck!

St. Patrick's Day was also the first day of March Madness.  Bella and Josiah make the cutest little basketballs I've ever seen!  Can you believe they are 5 months apart and they are just about the same size!
Another piece of St. Patrick's Day fun, our Shamrock 8K!  We missed Eric who was home with the stomach bug and an injured knee, but he was there in spirit!

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