Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bella - 8 months

WeightLengthHead - your next well check is next month

Clothes: 9 months

Diapers: Size 3

This past month we've learned that you poor tummy does not like having pears with cinnamon for breakfast.  You've had it twice and both times you've thrown up.  I will be asking the pediatrician about this next month, but until then we will be avoiding pears with cinnamon.  You also had your first fever, poor thing.

You're eating habits remain the same as they were last month.  On a normal day, you eat 3 meals and nurse 5 times a day.  You've done a little better with the bottle again and we have started working on a sippy cup.  I've introduced you to Puffs and you love them!  

In the last month I've decided there's 2 different schedules, the ideal nap schedule in which you would love to have 2 naps per day in your crib.  If you had it your way you would nap 10-12 and then probably 3-5ish.  Your sister naps from 1-3 every day.  Unfortunately, you are the 2nd child and that just doesn't work for us because we would be stuck sitting in the house all day!  Most of the time a little cat nap in the morning holds you off until we get home for your afternoon nap.  You are a child of routine and ready for bed at 7pm on the dot and still wake up most nights around 5am to eat, then go back to sleep until 7:30ish.

Look at that pretty face :)

Some current favorites are being outside, you love going on walks and in the swing or even people watching in the baby carrier, your stacking cups and Sophie the giraffe are favorite toys, I think you would eat Puffs all day long.  I plop you on the floor in front of your sister's Leapfrog school bus alphabet magnets and you are content the entire time I make dinner - mommy win!  You are obsessed with taking baths so I can't wait to take you to the pool as soon as it warms up.  Addie is still your favorite person ever and you think she is hilarious! My favorite part of the day is watching the two of you interact, it just keeps getting better and better!

Being by yourself, your a social baby just like your big sis!  Other than that you are a happy camper!

Sister picture TAKE 1...
TAKE 2 - much better!
-No crawling and no teeth, stay tuned - they're coming!
-We celebrated your first Easter!  We had family in town, but you were sick the entire time poor baby.
-We took you and your sister to Myrtle Beach for the 1st time over spring break.  It was a nice family getaway, but we also learned some valuable lessons about traveling/sleeping in a hotel room with 2 little ones!
-I've introduced you to Puffs and you've been doing great practicing with your pincer grasp.
-You are constantly babbling and blowing raspberries.  You and your sister talk back and forth together all the time, usually all through dinner time.

Life continues to get better and better and we couldn't be happier having you in it.  You are so sweet and such a happy little girl.  I am looking forward to all of the fun things we have planned this summer and I am going to soak up every little ounce of my baby Bella - because by the end of the summer you will be ONE!

Pap, Grandma, and Aunt Kristen came for Easter weekend.

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