Thursday, May 19, 2016

Life Lately

It's been about a MONTH since my last post - and wow where does time go?  We have been super busy over here between being on the road, my birthday and Mother's Day, and just life with a 9 month old and 2 year old in general.  We are in the middle of Eric's busy graduation season and he is now full swing in real estate with a few houses on the market, so add in his 12 hour work days and you can begin to see why I haven't posted in a while.  Yes, life is busy - but life is good.

Let's start with the celebrations.  There's been a lot to celebrate these days.  We started with a surprise trip to the Outer Banks for my 30th birthday and Mother's Day weekend.  We had the perfect family getaway and we even got to relax a little this time around.  Traveling with 2 little ones isn't easy, but I feel like I'm slowly becoming an expert.  Sleep or no sleep though, making memories is worth it!  We ate at some of our go-to restaurants and even tried out some new ones, spent a morning walking around Manteo, which is where our wedding reception was (almost) 4 years ago, and enjoyed the sun and sand on the beach.  We came home just in time for Addie and Eric to make me a birthday cake and give me my gift of a clean house!  I seriously cannot contain my excitement of having help cleaning my house twice a month, probably one of my favorite gifts ever!

Our next celebration was in good old Miami of Ohio.  Aunt "T" aka Kristen graduated and we took the (long) 10 1/2 hour trip up to Ohio to help her celebrate.  The girls did great given the lack of naps, late bedtimes followed by early mornings.  They did great and we had so much fun "partying" at T's house as Addie liked to say, but we were all exhausted at the end of it.  Congratulations Kristen. we wouldn't travel that far for just anyone!

Finally, between all of the rain we've had these days and packing, repacking and traveling, we actually have been able to enjoy some nice days at home.  Spring is in the AIR (once every 10 days or so) but this crew soaks up every second of sun and warm weather when we get the chance.  Some of our favorite things to do are taking trips to the zoo, picnics and playing at the park, hanging out with our buddies, or just about anything else we can find to do outside.  

And with all that said, I will finish this post the same way I started it.  Life is busy, but life is good.  I am loving every second of staying home with my two little girls and we are officially ready for some summer time fun!  Bring on the beach, ice cream, and hot summer days :)

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