Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend has easily became one of my favorite holidays because for the past couple of years we have hosted and my family has made the trip to visit us.  Any holiday we bypass a long car ride with our 2 little angels, but still get to spend time with family is my kinda holiday!

This year, we had a very nice weekend with my parents and Kristen.  Addie was SO excited to see everyone!  The first thing she would say in the morning was "Where's Pap and Dada (Grandma)?  Where's T (Aunt Kristen)?"  She gets to talk and FaceTime with them all on a regular basis, but being able to see them in person and play with them was the HIGHLIGHT of her weekend!  My parents got into town Thursday evening and Kristen's flight got in Friday morning.  We started out the weekend with a trip to see the Easter bunny - who was not a hit with Addie or Bella.  I think Bella was more afraid of Addie's screaming than the bunny himself, but this is the best photo we got.  It reminds you kind of our Santa pictures from this year right?!?

After we equally terrified each girl, we rewarded them with some play time in the mall play place, which was a hit!  Addie ran around while Grandma and Pap took turns chasing her while Bella and Daddy went for a walk around the mall.  Then, it was home for lunch and nap time.

The weather was calling for rain, so after naps we took Addie bowling for the first time.  She had an absolute blast chanting "Ready, Set, Go!" and "Go Daddy Go" or "Go Pap Go".  Poor Bella had a fever and wasn't her normal, smiley self, but she still held her own cheering everyone on!  Then, it was home for a yummy homemade dinner made by Grandma, an Easter egg hunt, and an early birthday celebration for Pap.  After the littles all went to bed, it was time to relax with a glass of wine and good old Notre Dame basketball.

Saturday morning we started out the day going to Addie's buddy, whose name is also Addy, 2nd birthday party.  It was a Darling Donut Party complete with every kind of donut you could imagine.  I think I ate more than I would like to admit!  Let's be honest though, donuts are equally yummy for kids and adults :)  It ended up being beautiful outside so we had fun doing the Easter egg hunt and playing outside.  Then, just as Addie was going through a sugar crash we scooped her up and headed home for nap time.  After naps we went to Waterman's for dinner, which was far from relaxing with a long wait and an energized toddler plus a sick baby.  The food and company was worth it though, I think :)

On Easter morning we were up bright and early, got all dressed up, and were off to church in the pouring down rain!  Then, it was home to find the Easter baskets.  Addie got a new pink and purple train set, bubbles, new bath drops (since we ran out of the very popular blue bath color weeks ago!), chalk, and some other little goodies.  Bella got new stacking cups, a book, Puffs, an O-Ball, and a new personalized outfit complete with the most adorable gold glitter and baby bloomers!  We did some more Easter things - another Easter egg hunt and dyed eggs - followed by another yummy dinner.

Monday morning my parents left after breakfast and then the sun finally came out again!  I really think the bad weather follows my Dad.  It was beautiful right before he got here and beautiful the second he left!  Kristen, Eric, the girls, and I spent the day at the zoo.  We got to see Addie's favorites, the giraffes and the elephants!  It was so nice outside that we even got in a quick park trip after naps before we had to take Kristen to the airport.  Little Miss Addie was not happy when she left and cried the whole way home.  It broke my heart.

I hope your Easter was as amazing as ours was this year!  Until next year...

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