Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bella - 11 months

Weight - 17 pounds 
Length Head - next update at 12 months

Clothes: 9 & 12 months

Diapers: Size 3

You had another ear infection this month, luckily it was between trips and we were able to quickly get you healthy before we went to Disney.

This past month you have learned how to use your sippy cup and are able to eat your pouches all by yourself.  You are little miss independent all of a sudden, which means you are less and less of a baby and showing signs of being a toddler.  Don't you worry though I am still soaking up every little of baby that you have left!  You are still nursing 3 times a day, when you wake up, before your afternoon nap, and at bedtime.  Some of your new favorites are Ritz crackers, applesauce, yogurt, and veggie straws, sweet potatoes, blueberries and bananas are still at the top of the list too!

You start the day around 7:30 every morning and cat nap on the go around 10:30 or 11.  Nap time is between 1-3 and then bed time is around 7:30.  I'll probably jinx myself here but you very rarely wake up in the middle of the night and are very predictable these days with your sleep, which makes life a lot easier.
"Wait, how old am I now"
I'm obsessed with her nose scrunch!

Being on the move has opened up a whole new world for you!  You love to crawl around, explore, and pull up on everything.  The playroom has become your favorite place in the house!  You love anything that makes music or noise, especially now that you have learned how to hit the buttons.  We go to the beach on the weekends when we are home and you love it, especially eating the sand.  You love to put pretty much anything in your mouth these days and I chase you around to make sure you aren't eating sand, mulch, or bugs.

Sitting still or having something taken away from you (by mommy because it's not safe or by your sister because she's 2!)  You still do not like when mommy leaves the room.  Extra long car rides are not your favorite either, but I don't blame you on that one!

-You are on the go - all of the time!
-You pull up on everything now, we even moved your crib down.
-We celebrated your 1st 4th of July in Pittsburgh.
-You are still rocking the cutest little toothless smile that I've ever seen.
-You went to Disney for the 1st time.  Daddy had a conference in Orlando and we went with him, along with Pap & Grandma.  You were able to ride almost of the rides with us and it was so much fun!
-Clapping and waving - you are a pro!
-You attended your 1st wedding.  Our good friends Brianna and Aaron got married and you had a blast and looked absolutely adorable in your little dress.
-The Little Gym is still one of our highlights of the week, you love to clap along and crawling around to pop the bubbles on the mats is your favorite thing ever!

I feel like you've grown up so much in the past month.  It's crazy to think that this time last year, I was super pregnant on these 100 degree days!  I'm very happy that this year I can walk from the car to the house without being out of breath and when we go to the beach I can get up from my chair by myself!  This past month my sweet little Bella bean has found her voice! You are getting a strong sense for things you like and things you don't like - and boy do you let us know when you do not like something - if it's food you spit it out all over the place or throw it on the floor, if I try to take something from you, you've perfected a very loud screech/scream.  On the other side, the giggling, clapping, and smiling when you are having fun is priceless!  Bella, I can't believe you are already 11 months old and that we will be celebrating your 1st birthday next month!  It's very bittersweet!  I wish I could bottle up your "babyness" and keep you like this forever, but at the same time the future and what to come is so exciting too.  I love watching you explore and grow and watching the relationship you and your sister have absolutely melts my heart.  We love you to the moon and back my sweet Bella bean!

We saw Grandma and Pap just about every other weekend this past month and it's been awesome.  You saw your Pittsburgh family and friends when we visited for the 4th of July.

Addie's "no picture" attitude is starting to rub off on Bella and now that she's mobile they both run the second I tell them to say cheese.

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