Monday, July 11, 2016

Summertime & the living's easy...

Hello Sweet Summertime!  It's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the little things - which is what we have been doing for the past couple weeks (hence lack of blog updates!)  Life is better in flip flops & bathing suits and we are huge fans of everything summer in the Harvell household.  Our days are full of fun in the sun, complete with several coats of sunscreen and buckets of sand throughout my car and in every little corner of my house, but I honestly wouldn't change a thing.

We kicked off our summer Memorial Day weekend in the Outer Banks with some of our very best friends.  We spent hours on the beach and at the pool, ate lots of yummy food and drinks, and had game nights after the kids went to bed.  Card Against Humanity anyone?!? It was the perfect kickoff to summer with the perfect group of friends!

Another highlight of summer is Father's Day.  The girls and I are very lucky to have such an awesome Daddy and we had so much fun celebrating him!  Chris, Abby, & Jake came to visit for the weekend and then we also had a family fun day at the beach.  We spoiled Daddy with gifts and took him to try out a new restaurant for a yummy dinner.  We love you Daddy!

Addie and Bella both started their classes at the Little Gym.  Bella is a first timer, in the Birds class, and I can't wait to watch her learn and grow as she becomes more mobile this summer.  She is currently the best army crawler in town, but I know walking isn't too far in the future.  Addie is a regular monkey and in the Beast class this summer.  Her eyes light up when I tell her we are going to the Little Gym and she smiles from ear to ear the entire time we are there.  Eric and I are both looking forward to spending some one on one time with the girls as we trade off taking them to class and planning something special for whoever's off day it is.  Lots of fun to be had and memories to be made during Daddy's slow season!

This summer the girls have become water babies.  They would spend every minute of every day in the water if they could.  They love it all, the pool, beach, splash pad, you name it!  We spend hours upon hours every week in our bathing suits and have been rocking the cutest little baby tans lately. Addie is an absolute fish.  She has no fear!  She will run straight in the water at the beach and loves to jump off the side at the pool.  She is never happy when it is time to leave.  Bella is usually banned from sitting in the sand because handfuls of sand is one of her favorite snacks these days!  

Another highlight of the summer was Brianna and Aaron's wedding in Cape Charles.  My parents came along with us and we had a great time celebrating the happy couple.  Addie might not have done the best job performing her flower girl duties (meaning she didn't make it down the aisle, instead she ran the other way!) but she looked pretty adorable in her flower girl dress and twirled at every chance she got.  

Finally, that brings us to the 4th of July.  We went to Pittsburgh for an extra long week and enjoyed lots of fun with friends and family.  Our day at Idewild park was a highlight of our trip, the girls absolutely loved the Daniel Tiger show and trolley ride!  We spent an evening with the Hendry's and Addie is still asking to go to Max's house and ride is really fun swing!  We kicked off the 4th with our annual Castello golf outing at Bob's followed by a (rained out) cookout and sparklers.  

I hope your summer has been full of lots of fun in the sun and family memories so far this year because that's what it's all about.  Next up for us is a trip to Mickey's House aka Disney and we are beyond excited!  Happy Summer!

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