Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Happy 1/2 birthday Addie girl!

Time is flying by at lightning speed over here as we have a 2 1/2 year old and an (almost) ONE year old!  But, today is all about my first born - pizza loving, ketchup dipping, future Olympian, all around crazy Addie girl.  I absolutely love this age as every day is something new, a new word/expression, new dance move, or even a new way to push my buttons (yes, my sweet girl spends a lot of time in her time out chair these days!)  You are sassy and sweet, adventurous, outgoing, and full of energy ALL.DAY.LONG.  You have a new love for princesses ever since we went to "Mickey's house" and you break out in song at the best times.  You can recite a song for almost any situation throughout the day, thank you Daniel Tiger!  Some of my favorite things you say are "hold you" "ice cream and sprinklers please" and "Cheers!"  It cracks me up how you ask Bella a million questions a day and you've even started answering them for her.  I'll be sitting in the car and I hear "Bella, do you want chicken and cheese Bella?  Yes, Bella.  Okay, Bella.  Mommy, Bella wants chicken and cheese too."  Luckily, Bella thinks it's hilarious and goes along with your crazy antics, at least for now!  I hope you always laugh and smile as much in a day as you do right now and I cannot wait to see you continue to learn and grow.  Addie, you are intelligent, creative, the best big sister to Bella and I am so lucky to call you my daughter.  Addie, you will always hold a special place in my heart as you were the one who made all of my dreams come true by making me a mom, which is by far my favorite job in the whole world.  Happy 1/2 birthday sweet Addie girl - let's celebrate today with some ice cream and sprinklers :)

Addie's 30 month stats:
Length - 38.2 inches - 94th percentile
Weight - 32 pounds - 81st percentile
Head - 51.5 centimeters - 99th percentile

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