Thursday, March 16, 2017

Waterslides, Wave Pools, and Lazy Rivers...

We wanted to do something fun with the girls before their little brother's arrival and decided on a quick getaway to Great Wolf Lodge, just the 4 of us.  Addie has been asking to go swimming for weeks and Bella loves splashing around in the bath tub, so we thought it was the perfect place to take them.  After getting lots of tips from a college friend (thanks Sarah!) we decided that one night would be plenty for the girls at these ages.  We put the girls down for early naps on Monday afternoon and left around 2pm.  We got to the park and checked in by 3 and were in our swimsuits ready to go by 3:30.  We spent almost 3 full hours that first day at the water park.  Addie LOVED it!  She couldn't decide what to do first, the toddler water slides, splash pad, lazy river, play basketball in the pool, wave pool, she loved it all....until we let her try a big kid slide all by herself!  Eric walked up with her and Bella and I were waiting at the bottom.  Addie was so excited...until she came down feet first on her belly.  She flipped around at some point during her ride and she was not a fan!  She put on a brave face though and we decided to stick to the orange and yellow toddler slides after that! Bella loved the little toddler area and splash pad, she also couldn't decide what to do first.  They both played their little hearts out until dinner time!  We kept is simple for dinner and ordered pizza so that we could eat, give the girls baths, and relax for a few minutes.  We went back down to the lobby a little before 8 for story time and ice cream.  We played a few games at the arcade and by that time everyone was exhausted!  It was time to get the girls to bed back in the room and I'm not going to lie, Eric and I weren't far behind them.  We needed a good night sleep before round 2 the next day!

On day 2, the girls slept in a little and then we got breakfast.  Addie was very eager to go back to the water park so off we went.  We spent another couple of hours playing at the park and enjoyed a packed lunch by the pool, uncrustables, applesause, and gold fish for the win!  It was about 3pm when the girls just couldn't go any more, they were exhausted.  We may or may not have bribed Addie to leave with a donut, got the girls dried off and changed, enjoyed our treat and off we went.  It was a quick trip, but so worth it!  The nice thing about having 2 is that Eric and I can play man to man defense.  We were both able to spend some one on one time with both of them as their interests kind of varied at the park, but we were also able to all hang out at times also.  It was just what we needed before we become a family of 5 and move to a zone defense in a few short months.

Until next time Great Wolf Lodge, I see many, many more trips to the water park in our future....

Someone was VERY excited for day 2 at the water park!

Addie went up and down this slide AT LEAST 100 times, she loved it!

Check out those curls :)

Donuts for the win!

Naps on the way home...

for both of them!  Anyone who knows Addie knows that this is a very rare occurrence in our car!

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