Sunday, March 19, 2017

Baby Bump - Month 7

How far along?  31 weeks

Gender:  Our little man, Noah Ryan

Feeling:   These days, how I am feeling definitely depends on the time of day.  In the morning, I feel pretty good.  I have still been going to the gym 2-3 days a week and I think that's helped.  I haven't had much swelling (yet!) this time around or the carpal tunnel I had with the girls.  This time around I am ALL BELLY, maybe it's a BOY thing, maybe it's a 3rd pregnancy thing - I'm not sure.  By the evenings, between the big belly and chasing around my 2 crazy toddlers, I am exhausted.  The back pain and normal pregnancy aches and pains make it difficult to leave the couch.  Also, my heart burn this time around is intense, like the worst I've ever had - maybe that means our little man will have a full head of hair, just like his big sisters!

All about Food:  I have a love - hate relationship with eating because of my heartburn.  It seems like anything I try to eat (unless it's just a piece of plain bread) makes it worse, but then an empty stomach is even worse than that.  I have been loving apples and apple juice, any sort of iced coffee or frozen coffee drink, and I am still loving anything Italian!

Favorite moments:
-Our little man has a name, Noah Ryan :)
-Addie likes to lift up her shirt to show everyone when her baby brother is moving!  It's hilarious.  She will also explain to people that he is growing in her belly and that we will have to go to the hospital to see him.  When she walks in the room for the first time, she says she is going to say "Surprise, I'm here!"  Then, she can't wait to hold him, feed him his bottle, and put him night night "all by herself!"  I love how into it and excited she is this time around :)
-We had 2 trips this past month that were noteworthy, our baby-moon in Maui was AMAZING and our little family getaway to Great Wolf Lodge was also a lot of fun.

Looking forward to:  
-Putting our plans into action with Noah's nursery and Addie and Bella's big girl shared room - hopefully they are both done by next month's update.
-We signed Addie and Bella up for a Siblings class at the hospital and I can't wait to watch them interact with their baby dolls pretending that they are Noah :)
-Can't believe we are less than 8 weeks from meeting our little man, we love you so much already Noah!

My favorite bump picture from our Babymoon.

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