Friday, July 14, 2017

Noah Ryan - Month 2

Here are your numbers:
WEIGHT: 12 pounds 11 ounces (54th percentile)
LENGTH: 23.6 inches (86th percentile)
HEAD: 41 centimeters (59th percentile)

-Melting my heart every day with your smiles, you smiled for the first time at 5 weeks.
-Growing like a weed!
-Taking a bottle like a pro
-Loving the discovery of your hands
-Holding your head up more steady
-Recognizing and turning your head to familiar voices
-Telling your sisters the best "stories" with your baby cooing

We had your 2 month well check with Dr. Fink and you are growing and developing right on schedule!  I talked to Dr. Fink about your constant congestion and awful gas, but he says both are normal.  Maybe the farting thing is a boy thing and you are taking after your dad ;)  You got your first set of immunizations at your appointment and you were not a fan.  A little tylenol and extra cuddles and you bounced right back though!  We also had your check up with the pediatric urologist this past month and you did amazing.  You were not even phased by your tests one bit!  You had to have an ultrasound and a vcug test to check your kidneys from some dilation they spotted on my 20 week ultrasound.  We got great news that it has corrected itself, which means no surgery :)  We go back in 4 months for a repeat ultrasound to double check that you are able to completely empty your bladder when you pee and I'm hopeful we will get good news then too!

I am so lucky that I am 3 for 3 on my breastfeeding journey :)  and it's been another solid month of exclusively breastfeeding for Noah and I.  He's become pretty predictable which has helped us develop a little bit of a routine.  He eats every 3-4 hours during the day, I try not to let him go longer than 4 hours because I want him to stuff that belly during the day time hours. Right now you nurse roughly around 9am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 9pm, and 5am.  You also are doing a great job so far taking a bottle.  Daddy gives you about 5 ounces of pumped milk every night for your 9pm feeding.  Noah, you rock and I'm loving our little rhythm we've gotten in to.  Please keep it up :) 

We are still loving the newborn sleepy phase, but also enjoying your longer periods of staying awake as well.  We've finished the swaddle phase because you love your hands up by your face when you sleep, which is adorable.  You are still sleeping in our room in the rock and play, but we will probably transition you to your room soon.  You wake up around 8 or 9 (sometimes later!) and will cat nap on and off when we are out and about.  I usually can get you to take a longer afternoon nap when your sisters are sleeping which is a huge plus!  You are most awake during the evening hours and are ready for bed after your 9pm feeding.  Then, you sleep like a champ until about 5am when you wake up for a quick feeding and back to bed until the morning.  I am so, so lucky that you are sleeping because I need all the energy I can get to keep up with you and your sisters.

You love your hands, ceiling fans and lights, your pacifier, and being close to mommy in your sully wrap.  You love being bounced and having your butt patted when you are being held.  You go with the flow and have spent more time at the pool and beach than most babies your age!  Getting your nose cleaned out is by far your least favorite activity, but I'm pretty sure you've had a stuffy nose at least 80% of your life so unfortunately we do it quite frequently.

Noah, you are so chill and easy going.  You make life with 3 kids 3 and under very easy, your sisters on the other hand ;)  I have loved watching your little personality shine through this past month and that smile!  It melts my heart every time.  You get excited when you hear a familiar voice or see a familiar face.  You've gotten used to having at least one of your sisters in your face about 75% of the day and you are totally okay with it.  They completely adore you and I adore everything about having a baby boy.  You are amazing Noah and I can't wait to continue watching you grow, but please do it slowly...I'm kinda liking this newborn phase and it's already flying by!

-We celebrated several firsts this past month, your first smile (5 weeks) and first baby coos definitely top the list.  We celebrated your first 4th of July and your first trip to Pittsburgh to introduce you to lots of family and friends.
-I've loved watching you and your sisters bond.  Addie talks to you in the sweetest baby voice and repeats anything she hears me say.  Every morning she greets you with a "Good morning baby Noah, did you have a good rest" followed by a gentle cheek squeeze.  Bella on the other hand gets so excited to see you it's like she's meeting you for the first time every day.  The second you make a sound Addie's not far behind asking you to tell her more stories.  Bella loves to "tickle, tickle, tickle your toes at any chance she gets.  They both think it's hilarious to squeeze your cheeks together to help you make a silly face and I'm hoping one day you think it's funny too.  Addie loves to get pillows and blankets to cuddle with you on the ottoman and Bella grabs the boppy and put her hands out at any chance she gets.

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