Friday, July 14, 2017

Sister Snapshot

We've been all things baby over here ever since Noah's arrival and I feel like I've neglected my littlest ladies on the blog lately because of it.   Nothing ages your babies faster than having another one and I feel like my girls are growing up at lightning speed!  Here's a snapshot of the Harvell girls...

Addie at 3 years old -

Addie you are so full of personality and definitely are the one who keeps us on our toes.   You are our energetic, very opinionated and (at times) demanding, donut loving, outgoing little girl who makes a new friend anywhere we go.  You love surprises, all things princess, Busch Gardens, being in the water, and refuse to eat a meal without some sort of condiment on your plate.  You are already the second mommy of the house, reinforcing the rules with your little sister and always willing to help with your baby brother, even if it results in getting peed or spit up on.  You've taught mommy and daddy exactly what the term "threenager" is all about and spend quite a bit of time in time out, half the time you even put yourself there!

Bella at 23 months - 

Bella, you have changed SO much over the past couple of months!  You've started talking so much more and some of my favorites are "Where'd it go? There it is!" "Tickle, tickle, tickle" as you are tickling Noah's feet, "I'm going to get you" as you chase Addie to tickle her (which is beyond adorable) and "SHOE."  That's right you are completely shoe obsessed and I'm not sure where you got that from because I pretty much live in flip flops.  You are such a girlie girl and absolutely lose your mind when you see a bug or have even a little tiny spec of dirt on you.   Your face lights up any time you see a plane, boat, train, or puppy.   I guess you like things that move :)  Moana always brings out your best singing voice and you are a twirling pro just like your big sister.  

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