Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bella's TWO - Let's Flamingle!

Aloha!  Our sweet Bella bean turned TWO and we decided on the most perfect summer time theme to celebrate, flamingos and pineapples!  I had so much fun planning this birthday party and it all started with a great deal on an oversized flamingo pool float that I found during Prime day.  Our flamingo helped us make some fun memories on vacation this year, so I thought why not continue the fun as the centerpiece of Bella's 2nd birthday party and it couldn't have been more perfect!

I found some inspiration on Pinterest for the decor and did the majority of my shopping on Amazon.  I rarely go shopping in stores these days with my 3 littles, so online shopping is my jam!  I found some flamingo balloons, flamingo and pineapple cupcake toppers, a fun DIY summer banner kit, and some palm tree and tropical leaf cut outs.  As the packages collected outside my door step it all started to come together.  I added a balloon order and some homemade vases made out of pineapples to the decor and my flamingo/pineapple theme was coming to life and it was oh so perfect for our summer baby.  We went with some pink playdoh as party favors since Bella was "tickled pink" her friends came to celebrate with her!  Bella is a huge fan of Chick-fil-a so I ordered a big plate of nuggets as our main dish, then topped it off with some yummy mac and cheese, a 7 layer salad, and fruit to keep it simple and kid friendly.  We had cupcakes for dessert and with our little toppers they were absolutely adorable.

The weather on party day was perfect!  It was 80 degrees and sunny skies, the perfect backdrop to flamingle with our friends to celebrate Bella's big day.  My plan was to knock out the indoor activities when our guests arrived and we did just that.  Once everyone had full bellies, we let Bella open her gifts.  She was unsure at first, but with the help of her big sis and several of her friends, she got the hang of it by the end.  She was one spoiled little girl and got so many amazing gifts!  Her friends know her well and she got lots of Minnie Mouse gear, new toys, and several new pairs of shoes!  Bella loves her shoes so she was a happy (and stylish) camper :)  We sang "Happy Birthday" and Bella actually blew out the candles all by herself for the first time.  She enjoyed every last bit of icing off of her cupcake (as did all of her friends) and once we had lots of sugared up toddlers running around we decided to set them free to the outdoors for a few surprises.

Daddy worked very hard to clean up the backyard in time for the party and I couldn't be more thankful!  We set it up with cute flamingo decor, our kiddie pools, hundreds of water balloons, and a fun little photo booth.  The kids (and Eric) ran right to the water balloons and knew exactly what to do.  They had so much fun during the water balloon fight, but in true Miss Bella fashion she decided to sit back and take it all in (while holding Grandma's hand for extra security!)  The kids continued to play and run off their energy outside while the adults had some fun in the photo booth.  Before we knew it, it was nap time and the crowd started dying down.  The fun was just beginning for the birthday girl though as she started running around the yard playing in the pools, on the swing set, with the balloons, and on the flamingo and loved every thing about having it all to herself.  That's my sweet Bella, a little slow to warm up in the beginning but by the end she sure does know how to have fun! 

Happy birthday sweet girl!  We had so much fun celebrating YOU :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dear Bella, YOU'RE TWO!

Dear Bella,

Happy Birthday Bella bean!  I cannot even wrap my mind around the fact that you are already TWO years old?!?  How is that even possible!  I feel like it was just yesterday when we were bringing you home from the hospital with so many mixed emotions, over the moon excited about our newest little love but so unsure of what to expect as we navigated through our daily lives with 2 children under 2.  We did it though and apparently felt pretty good about it because we welcomed your little brother into our family 3 months ago and now are living our crazy lives with 3 children 3 and under!

At 2 years old, you are TINY, but you are FIERCE.  The famous Shakespeare quote, "Though she be but little, she is fierce" was 100% written about you Miss Bella.  You are a petite little thing and you get that from your Mom-mom in heaven.  I actually think that you resemble her a lot, from  your physical characteristics to your personality traits.  You are the sweetest little thing, but can flip that switch pretty quickly if something or someone (usually Addie) upsets you.  You may or may not be known to sneak a hair pull when your big sister least expects it, the 2 of you are really going to give your dad and I a run for our money as you get older.

At 2 years old, you are your sister's shadow.  The 2 of you have really bonded over the past several months and I love watching you finally be able to play together.  You are each other's best friend and when it's good, it's so good.  The 2 of you laugh and run around and it's amazing.  But, you still are sisters and you fight like sisters as well.  Each day is full of a lot of highs, some lows, and several time outs, but no matter what has happened throughout the day you always end with the sweetest bear hug before bed.  Then we repeat it all over again the next day...

At 2 years old you are so CAUTIOUS, CAREFUL, SWEET, and INNOCENT.  You are the complete opposite of your sister, she loves to jump in head first no matter what the task and you prefer to sit back and watch and then if and when you are comfortable participating you do oh so carefully.  I rarely worry about you hurting yourself because you have carefully weighed all of the consequences before you do something and very rarely will you put yourself in a dangerous situation.  I can't thank you enough for that because most of the time I am outnumbered 3 to 1, so I appreciate at least one of you being careful :)

At 2 years old, you love FAMILIARITY.  You love what you know and know what you love.  You hold those you love very close to you and you love big, but you aren't a fan of unfamiliar faces.  You make new people work hard for your affection and attention and always prefer a small group setting compared to a large party.  But once they get the Bella stamp of approval they are in your circle for good!  The same goes for new things and new experiences, you either love it or you hate it, there's no in between with you.  You are a girl who knows what you want and I admire that about you.

At 2 years old, you are a FASHIONISTA.  Bella, you are more obsessed with shoes than I ever have been in my life.  You love to put them on and take them off.  You love to buy new shoes.  You love to play with other people's shoes, especially your dad's slippers or any pair that belongs to Addie.  You love shoes so much that we bought you your first pair of Hunter rain boots for your birthday and you couldn't be more thrilled.  You also love your new purse, tutus, and having pretty bows in your hair.  You are a complete girly girl and I love that about you.

At 2 years old, you have become very TALKATIVE.  All of a sudden you have SO much to say and you talk all day long.  You have opinions about everything and love to tell me what you want to eat, where and how you want to eat it, which shoes you want to wear, and what you want from Starbucks - which is usually chocolate milk.  You are a sponge and are learning new words and phrases at lightning speed, which has made for the sweetest conversations between you and your sister.

At 2 years old, you are obsessed with your baby dolls and care for them just like I care for Noah.  You love playing hide and seek and chasing your sister around to tickle her.  You have a thing for all types of transportation and your eyes light up when you see a choo-choo train, boat, plane, or truck.  You also love to play with all of the above things, especially your trains and your cozy coupe car.

Bella, you are the sweetest little girl and I love everything about you.   I love your smile, your hugs, and the way you lay your head on my shoulder.  You have the most contagious laugh and just hearing it makes my day better.  Bella, I hope you have the absolute best birthday because you deserve it!  I love you to the moon and back Bella bean!


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Noah Ryan - Month 3

No update this month, our next well check is at 4 months.  I would guess you are 14-15 pounds

-Blowing raspberries and chomping on your hands 24/7
-Talking up a storm
-Holding your head up all by yourself when you are held upright
-Balding!  Your poor little head, where did all of your hair go?!?
-Getting those sweet little baby rolls :) and I LOVE a chunky baby!
-Making us wait on your first roll and first baby giggle, fingers crossed they are both coming very soon.

Little news is always good news in this department.  This past month has been pretty uneventful and your next well check isn't until next month.

We've had another solid month of breastfeeding!  You still eat about every 4 hours or so during the day and will give me a nice 6-8 hour stretch at night.  You did go through a growth spurt at the beginning of the month though and you were eating around the clock about every 2-3 hours.  It was rough but only lasted 3 days and it was back to normal.  Right now you eat around 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 8pm, and then usually once or twice through the night.  You are the most efficient eater and a nursing session with you is only about 8 minutes tops, even during your night time feedings.  We've bumped up your bedtime this past month to be on the same schedule as your sisters and it's really nice for your Dad and I to have some child-free time before bed.

I'm still feeling pretty lucky with our little guy and his sleep habits, but actually afraid to be even writing that down because I know the dreaded sleep regression is right around the corner.  Addie went through it at 4 months and Bella at 6, so I know it's only a matter of time.  You are still sleeping in our room because we haven't officially moved your sisters into their shared room yet.  We are hoping to do it in the fall, hoping :)  You wake up around 8-9am every morning and nap on the go depending on what we are doing that day.  Most afternoons you nap 3+ hours and it is amazing.  You are ready for bed around 8pm after your evening bottle.

This month you have loved your activity mat, especially when it's positioned so you can watch Disney Jr. when your sisters have it on.  You love bath time and kick and smile the entire time.  Your sisters are your other mommies and you seem to love it, even though they are all up in your space 99% of the time.  You have no idea what personal space is and probably never will, sorry little guy!  Right now you are not a fan of tummy time, being in your car seat for too long, or being gassy (but who is!)

You are such a sweet little boy Noah, I swear you are the reason people get baby fever!  You are so easy going and laid back and give the absolute best little baby grins.  We've had the best summer as a family of five and have loved every second of getting to know you.  It seems like you have changed so much already and I love how you are becoming more and more alert and aware every single day.  Some afternoons when we are just hanging out I lay you on the floor in the play room and you are so entertained watching your sisters play.  They lay toys around you, smoother you with hugs and kisses, and love to use their pretend camera to take your picture just like mommy does.  I already can't remember what life was like without you because you have fit so flawlessly into our family.  I am so excited to continue to watch you grow and watch your personality shine through in the months to come.

-I never want to forget the way you look at me.  Whether it is when you first wake up in the morning, when I pick you up from the stay and play, or when you catch a glimpse of me when I walk by you your entire face lights up and you grin from ear to ear.  I'm training you to be a "mama's boy" and so far you are passing with flying colors!
-Our firsts this past month included taking you on your first family vacation to the Outer Banks, taking you on your first boat ride, and going to your first (of many) baseball games.  Your daddy grew up with a baseball mitt in his hand so I am sure you will do the same!
-Any time you smile really big you stick your tongue out.  You put your whole body into that smile and wiggle your arms and legs at the same time, you really are the happiest little guy I've ever met!
-Daddy likes to have "boy time" with you and the 2 of you watch your shows together over a drink aka when you drink your nightly bottle.  He misses you when he is at work all day and your sisters steal most of his attention the second he walks through the door, so the evenings have kind of become your thing and I'm not sure who likes it more.
-I love watching you and your little girlfriend Molly together.  Sarah and I were pregnant with the 2 of you at the same time and I love watching the 2 of you learn about each other on the outside world.  You are already the cutest, little BFFs and we may or may not have already arranged your marriage.
-Bella has gotten her little mommy instinct this month and is constantly taking care of her baby dolls just like I take care of you.  She calls you "brother" and makes sure everyone knows who you are when we are out in public.
-Addie has started nursing her baby dolls to give them her special milk just like I give you my special milk.  It was a proud mommy moment I'm not gonna lie :)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Addie's HALF Birthday!

On August 10th, Addie was officially 3 1/2 years old!  How is that even possible?!?  It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming her into the world and trying out this parenting thing for the very first time and now all of a sudden we are getting her ready for PRESCHOOL!  WHAT?!?

Addie, you have become our "spirited/strong-willed" child we say.  When you are good, you are AMAZING and when you aren't feeling it, you let EVERYONE know.  There is no in between with you, it's always one extreme or the other.  You've become a 2nd little mommy to both Bella and Noah these days and definitely have that caretaker instinct in your blood.  Helping with simple little tasks such as holding Bella's hand in the parking lot, kissing Bella's boo-boos, or getting Noah his pacifier excite you and you take such pride in being able to do them.  When you aren't busy playing with or taking care of your siblings, you are probably making friends.  You are a social butterfly and whether we are at the park, pool, the Y, or wherever it may be, you always leave with a new friend and you usually even call them "friend."  We are still working on that!  You are still 100% a Daddy's girl and have him completely wrapped around your finger and grin from ear to ear when it's time for a Daddy-daughter date.  At 3 1/2 years old you are obsessed with ALL THINGS princess and can rarely be caught in anything but a twirl dress.  You are the happiest when you are at Busch Gardens or the beach, but you are also a sucker for a good game of hide and seek.  You only eat about 10 foods total, but will occasionally catch us off guard and try something new.  You'll do (just about) anything when we bribe you with a donut, milkshake, or ice cream...parents of the year right here :) Addie you are absolutely hilarious and make me laugh all day long, as well as test my buttons on a daily basis, but what's life without a little challenge?!? Addie, you are my little challenge, my favorite challenge, and also kinda cute when you stomp your foot at me - although I will NEVER admit it.  Happy 1/2 birthday Addie girl, your Daddy and I love you to the moon and back!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Summer Adventures

Happy August!  We have been having the best summer this year.  We kicked off summer with welcoming our little man into our family and since then it just keeps getting better and better.  The girls are at such fun ages this year and even though we have a newborn, he is so chill that it hasn't slowed us down one bit.  We are a sunshine loving, ice cream eating, beach going kinda family so the summer time is our jam and we soaking up every bit of it that we can!

Some of our favorites this summer are spending our week days by the pool, having lots of play dates with our friends, running off our energy at the Little Gym for both Addie and Bella (which has become our little summer treat), and of course the beach.  We spend as much time there as possible and recently have developed a love for evening beach trips.  Evening trips are amazing because A) no sunscreen B) no tent and C) comfortable temperatures and ah-mazing sunsets.  We may not leave with a tan, but we leave relaxed, which is a nice change of pace for our usually chaotic lives.  We've also become regulars at Busch Gardens and seriously can't get enough.  Our kids LOVE it and we've gone several times as a family and it's become Addie and Daddy's go to for their Daddy-Daughter date nights.  We've started weekly "Family Dinners" with our neighbors and it's something we look forward to every week.  When the weather doesn't cooperate we try our best to still have fun little family adventures, even if it's just going to Starbucks or Chick-a-lay (as Addie calls it) or turning our living room into a movie theater with bottom-less popcorn.  I never took the time to sit down and write a summer bucket list for us like I have in the past, but if I did we would be making some pretty serious progress by now and we still have another whole month of fun ahead of us!

A few things we are looking forward to this month:
  • Going to our first Tides game for Princess Night
  • Celebrating our Bella bean turning TWO, how is that even possible?!?
  • Having a neighborhood water balloon fight
  • As many evenings on the beach as possible
  • Surprise the girls with milkshakes for dinner one night, they would be in heaven!
  • Have a kid-free date night at Busch Gardens
  • Take the kids mini-golfing