Friday, August 4, 2017

Summer Adventures

Happy August!  We have been having the best summer this year.  We kicked off summer with welcoming our little man into our family and since then it just keeps getting better and better.  The girls are at such fun ages this year and even though we have a newborn, he is so chill that it hasn't slowed us down one bit.  We are a sunshine loving, ice cream eating, beach going kinda family so the summer time is our jam and we soaking up every bit of it that we can!

Some of our favorites this summer are spending our week days by the pool, having lots of play dates with our friends, running off our energy at the Little Gym for both Addie and Bella (which has become our little summer treat), and of course the beach.  We spend as much time there as possible and recently have developed a love for evening beach trips.  Evening trips are amazing because A) no sunscreen B) no tent and C) comfortable temperatures and ah-mazing sunsets.  We may not leave with a tan, but we leave relaxed, which is a nice change of pace for our usually chaotic lives.  We've also become regulars at Busch Gardens and seriously can't get enough.  Our kids LOVE it and we've gone several times as a family and it's become Addie and Daddy's go to for their Daddy-Daughter date nights.  We've started weekly "Family Dinners" with our neighbors and it's something we look forward to every week.  When the weather doesn't cooperate we try our best to still have fun little family adventures, even if it's just going to Starbucks or Chick-a-lay (as Addie calls it) or turning our living room into a movie theater with bottom-less popcorn.  I never took the time to sit down and write a summer bucket list for us like I have in the past, but if I did we would be making some pretty serious progress by now and we still have another whole month of fun ahead of us!

A few things we are looking forward to this month:
  • Going to our first Tides game for Princess Night
  • Celebrating our Bella bean turning TWO, how is that even possible?!?
  • Having a neighborhood water balloon fight
  • As many evenings on the beach as possible
  • Surprise the girls with milkshakes for dinner one night, they would be in heaven!
  • Have a kid-free date night at Busch Gardens
  • Take the kids mini-golfing

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