Monday, August 14, 2017

Addie's HALF Birthday!

On August 10th, Addie was officially 3 1/2 years old!  How is that even possible?!?  It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming her into the world and trying out this parenting thing for the very first time and now all of a sudden we are getting her ready for PRESCHOOL!  WHAT?!?

Addie, you have become our "spirited/strong-willed" child we say.  When you are good, you are AMAZING and when you aren't feeling it, you let EVERYONE know.  There is no in between with you, it's always one extreme or the other.  You've become a 2nd little mommy to both Bella and Noah these days and definitely have that caretaker instinct in your blood.  Helping with simple little tasks such as holding Bella's hand in the parking lot, kissing Bella's boo-boos, or getting Noah his pacifier excite you and you take such pride in being able to do them.  When you aren't busy playing with or taking care of your siblings, you are probably making friends.  You are a social butterfly and whether we are at the park, pool, the Y, or wherever it may be, you always leave with a new friend and you usually even call them "friend."  We are still working on that!  You are still 100% a Daddy's girl and have him completely wrapped around your finger and grin from ear to ear when it's time for a Daddy-daughter date.  At 3 1/2 years old you are obsessed with ALL THINGS princess and can rarely be caught in anything but a twirl dress.  You are the happiest when you are at Busch Gardens or the beach, but you are also a sucker for a good game of hide and seek.  You only eat about 10 foods total, but will occasionally catch us off guard and try something new.  You'll do (just about) anything when we bribe you with a donut, milkshake, or ice cream...parents of the year right here :) Addie you are absolutely hilarious and make me laugh all day long, as well as test my buttons on a daily basis, but what's life without a little challenge?!? Addie, you are my little challenge, my favorite challenge, and also kinda cute when you stomp your foot at me - although I will NEVER admit it.  Happy 1/2 birthday Addie girl, your Daddy and I love you to the moon and back!

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