Sunday, September 9, 2018

A Letter to my THREE year old

To our Bella bean,

Happy birthday sweet girl! I cannot believe that we've been lucky enough to call you ours for THREE whole years and we've loved every single second of it.  You are seriously one of the cutest kids ever and I'm so lucky that you call me mom or "mum" as you say it in your little British accent :)  As your birthday was approaching we loved asking you how old you were going to be and you responded with the most adorable "I'm 2 right now (as you held up 2 fingers) and I'm going to be THIS many (as you used your other hand to carefully put up that third finger."  When we asked you how old that was, the sweetest, little "I don't know" came out of your mouth :) and you went about your way.  So yes sweet girl, we are so excited to celebrate that you are "that many" and secretly hope that you always answer that question like that!

At three years old you are so KIND.  You love to stop mid-sentence to tell me that you love me.  You are the first one to offer a kiss to make a boo-boo feel better and you love to hold hands.  You have such a kind and caring heart and that makes my mommy heart so happy.

At three years old you are very CURIOUS.  You've started asking a lot of questions and your little mind is constantly working.  "What is that mom?" you ask me 100 times a day and you are trying so hard to learn how to spell and write your name.

At three years old you are BEAUTIFUL and I want you to remember that know matter how old you are.  The world is tough these days and kids can be harsh.  I want you to always appreciate how beautiful you are inside and out.  You take after your mom-mom in heaven in so many ways, not only her name, but her beauty and her heart as well and that makes us so proud.

At three years old you are a DANCING MACHINE.  You love to dance.  You love to twirl.  And as of lately you love to sing.  Aunt T got you a disco ball and ribbon twirlers for your birthday and you are obsessed.  I asked you if you wanted to do ballet this year like Addie and you responded "YES!" as you jumped up and down in excitement. 

At three years old you are an aspiring SUPERHERO and most days can be found running around the house with your cape and mask on ready to save the day!

At three years old you are so EASY GOING.  Over the last 3 months or so we've really turned your life upside down.  There's been so many changes and you've handled each one like a champ.  We moved out of the only home you've known, stayed at 10 different places over the about 3 months, moved into our new house, switched you to a big girl bed, and started potty training.  There's been little routine and a lot of chaos, but we've stuck it out together and you were amazing!

At three years old you love Mickey Mouse, Elmo, and the color red.  You love to wear anything with pockets and still have a strong love for shoes.  You love pancakes, pizza, and banana pouches.  You love to go to the beach, but are still our cautious little one who prefers to play at the edge of the water instead of diving in head first.  You are your sister's side kick and the two of you have developed such a friendship over the last couple of months.  I love to listen in on your little conversations when you are actually getting along :)  You also can't get enough of Noah and particularly shine in the big sister role whenever Addie isn't around, mimicking everything you see her doing for him in her absence.  You are a mommy's girl, but also can't get enough of your Daddy. 

At three years old you are perfectly you.  You are our Bella bean who is so tiny, but has the biggest heart.  You are so different than your big sister and little brother, you are uniquely you.  You are sweet.  You are kind.  You make your dad and I so proud to call you ours.  We love you Bella bean!  Happy birthday sweet girl.


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