Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Summer Review

I'm trying to play catch up on my blog - mainly to share with family and to have as my own virtual scrapbook - and I figure better late than never, right?!?  This summer was busy, in an already busy season of life.  We moved out of our old house on May 1st and didn't move into the new house until August 1st, which meant we spent this summer on the move - literally.  We stayed local for the first 6 weeks, moving from Airbnb to Airbnb.  We were lucky that all of our rentals were either right at Chick's beach or in the Outer Banks, so we got to kick off Summer 2018 with a bang.  Lots of beach days, evening walks at the beach, etc. and it was so nice.  Those first couple weeks of moving around really felt like we were on vacation.  We also tried to do all of our favorite summer time activities in a short amount of time, since we knew we would spend a lot of the summer in Pittsburgh at my parents house.  We went to Busch Gardens, botanical gardens, the pool, and had as many playdates with our little buddies as possible.  During this time, we also had a lot to celebrate!  Our favorite little man turned one and we spent a long weekend in Sandbridge celebrating with family and friends.  We also celebrated my birthday, Mother's Day, and Eric and I's 6th anniversary.  Towards the end of May, we packed up our stuff and had our 2nd annual Riverwalk vacation in the Outer Banks.  We rented a beach house together and had so much fun with our buddies hanging on the beach and the pool during the day and playing games and relaxing at night.  

Another highlight of the summer was our little ballerina had her first recital.  She danced her little heart out to "The Good Ship Lollipop" and made her mommy proud as she knew every single step.  It was so stinkin' cute!   Grandma came into town to watch her recital and we had a surprise visit from Brianna, so Addie was a happy girl to say the least.  After her recital, she was spoiled with flowers and gifts and a yummy brunch before we were on our way to Pittsburgh until our house was finished.

For the next 6 weeks of summer we stayed at Grandma and Pap's house in Pittsburgh.  We kicked off our stay with my cousin Anne and Dave's wedding.  Noah was the most handsome ring bearer I've ever seen and the girls killed it in their role as the flower girls.  After the ceremony, we all danced the night away at the reception and the girls still ask regularly when they can go to another wedding :)

We played tourists for the month of July in the Burgh!  We took advantage of being in a new city and explored the heck out of it while we were there.  We went places that I grew up going to as a kid, Scott pool, the zoo, the SSJ festival, Station Square, Kennywood, and the castle park.  We tried out some new spots too including the water steps, Just Ducky tour, and the Living Treasures Animal Park.  In between all of our outtings, we also had a lot of things to celebrate.  We celebrated the 4th of July with a huge picnic at Grandma's house, Grandma's birthday with a party planned by Addie and Bella, and an early surprise party for cousin Bryan with the most fun Minute to Win in games.  We got to spend lots of time with our Pittsburgh and Ohio family, as well as our close friends in Pittsburgh, which was amazing!

We FINALLY closed on our new house on July 31st and we were beyond excited to finally be HOME!  Moving with 3 little ones in no joke, even I underestimated how much work it was, but we did it.  Eric and I survived our summer on the move with our kids and with the help of some of our amazing friends survived moving day.  We are beach people at heart, but this summer moving in to our dream house in the most amazing neighborhood is the highlight this year!  It sure does feel good to be home :)

We spent a whole 10 days in our new home before we were on the go again haha!  Our annual OBX family vacation was in August.  The night before we left for vacation we celebrated our Bella bean's 3rd birthday, Elmo style.  Then we woke up bright and early the next morning and we were off to the beach!  We had the best weather this year, which meant you could find us on the beach or in the pool from sunrise to sunset and it was amazing!  I'm going to add a separate post on all of our fun vacation memories, so stay tuned for that... 

We returned from vacation with a few more weeks left of summer.  We tried our best to live it up between all of the unpacking and house to-do's and I think we were successful.  We did all of our favorite things, went to the beach and pool, Busch Gardens, the botanical gardens, and had the most amazing "Bye Bye Summer" play date with our buddies.  We said goodbye to summer with our friends and again with our family when Eric's cousin and family and the Hazelwoods came into town for Labor Day.  

Summer 2018, that's a wrap!  Until next year...

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