Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bunny Fun & Egg Dying

I love the holidays and all of the fun activities that come along with them!  Some are usually a hit and some are a miss with our fun loving 14 month old Addie girl.  This year, we were one for two I would say.  You were NOT a fan of the Easter bunny, I really don't blame you, but you still looked adorable regardless is your blue lace dress - tears and all!  Luckily, we decided to see the Easter bunny on a weekday right after dinner time, so it was just a quick wait followed by a quick picture and a quick cry!  Dying eggs was  a completely different story!  You LOVED it!  Apparently, your love for slam dunking the ball in your toy basketball hoop carried over into this activity as you would take the egg and slam dunk it into the cup and then clap for yourself.  It was hilarious.  We did end up with a cracked egg or two and a very colorful child in the end, but it was all worth watching you love every minute of it.

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