Monday, April 20, 2015


After a LONG winter full of very, very cold weather, countless snow days, and lots of sickness in the Harvell household...we are very happy that we can finally say HELLO SPRING!  Yes, that's right, I think we are finally over the hump and the warm weather is here to say and I could not be more thrilled about it.  Here are some of my favorite things about Spring right now:

  • Family walks - I've missed these over the winter and love that they are becoming part of our daily routine again.
  • Sidewalk chalk, playgrounds, and bubbles - Yes, Addie is into all of these childhood favorites right now and it is so much fun to have a change of environment and activities.  She loves exploring and we love to watch her explore (but I promise we stop her from exploring the taste of chalk among another things!)
  • Cooking out - With any change of season comes a new set of meals and grilling out is one of my favorites.  I love the idea of throwing just about anything on the grill these days and I have already been on Pinterest for new grilling recipes to try out this year.
  • Flip flops - who doesn't love flip flop season?  It's by far my favorite type of footwear!
  • Fresh air - I love that the weather is perfect right now to have the windows open, not too hot, not too cold, and I love the fresh air.  The only thing that would make it better is if I heard the sound of waves when I opened our windows, maybe one day....
  • More daylight - there's nothing better about coming home and having a few more hours of daylight before it gets dark. 
  • Flowers - although I HATE gardening and am absolutely terrible at keeping plants and flowers alive, I still like to look at them.  Our neighborhood is in full bloom and it's so pretty.
  • Pretty colors - after a season full of grays, black, and neutrals, it's nice to see (and wear) colors again.
Last, but certainly not least, spring means that we are one step closer to SUMMER!  Bring on the beach days, ice cream, and family vacations - the countdown to summer has officially begun :)

Hanging out with the fam on the boardwalk Easter weekend.  

Addie looking adorable in her braids...thanks Carla!

Going for a walk with juice and doesn't get much better than this!

Working on her masterpiece

Picnic for 2!

We are still working on walking her dog.
Addie's new playground that Daddy put together for her and she LOVES it!

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