Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Life's a ZOO

Lions and tigers and bears...OH MY!  That was the theme of the day when we took Addie to the Zoo for the very first time.  Kristen would say "Lion and tigers and bears" and you would yell "OH MY" with a huge grin on your face.  It was absolutely adorable.  Unfortunately, we only saw 1 of the 3 on our trip.  The tigers were MIA and there's no bears at the Norfolk Zoo, which was kind of upsetting because the polar bears exhibit is one of my favorites at the Pittsburgh Zoo.  The lions made up for it though by putting on quite the performance for us, a sort of Lion King reenactment I guess you could say.  You were in awe as we walked around and looked at the animals.  You pointed and made noises and waved at some of your favorites.  Others were jaw dropping and you just gave them a blank stare because they looked so different from the only animal you are familiar with, your big brother Cooper!  It was a beautiful day and we had a blast!

Pretty scenery, with a zebra and rhino hidden in there somewhere

One of our favorites were the giraffes.  They got up close and personal with the crowd.

We were so happy Aunt Krissy was able to join us on our trip to the zoo!

Hi Mr. Elephant!

Simba is that you?

You waved at the lions too, probably thinking they were Cooper.

Be careful Daddy!

All smiles with your best bud.

Family pic
Zoo - 1 Addie - 0, until next time....

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