Sunday, January 26, 2014

Officially Full Term

Yayyy!  I made it to 37 weeks and I am officially FULL TERM!  It seems like it was just yesterday that we found out that we were pregnant, I can't believe how fast time has flown by!

Don't let the smile fool you, it's totally fake and I am super uncomfortable these days.  I haven't been able to wear my rings for the last month or so and I have to wear wrist supports at night because my hands are just that swollen.  I've started wearing my slippers at school when I am in my classroom because shoes just aren't cutting it anymore.  Sleeping is pretty much nonexistent, but I guess it's just preparing me for motherhood.

With all that being said, I am SO over being pregnant!  I cannot wait to meet you Addison (and of course get my old body back too...see below!)

Since you will be making your official debut VERY soon, let's talk a little about the birth plan.  I was planning on trying to have an unmediated, natural labor and delivery.  Now obviously I've never been pregnant before, so I was not opposed to the epidural, but I wanted to try some natural pain remedies first and see what happens.  Your dad and I did everything we could to prepare for the labor and delivery process.  We took a 6 week childbirth class and learned all about the stages of labor and exactly what to expect during the delivery.  We collected some comfort tools and packed them in our hospital bag, reviewed the different laboring positions that we learned about in class, and we were all set...or so we thought. 

We found out at our 32 week appointment that you were BREECH.  Wait, what?  

Apparently, what I thought was your butt was your head and all the movement I felt up high on my stomach was because you were "Frank Breech" and your feet are up by your head.  So yes, you totally had mommy fooled and it was a shock when I found out that you were breech.  As soon as we got back from our appointment, I went right to google.  We tried EVERYTHING to get you to flip.  I went to a chiropractor who was trained in the "Webster Technique", tried holding something cold up near your head and playing music down low, and pretty much stood on my head when I did my prenatal yoga stretches.  I tried just about all of the suggestions on the Spinning Babies website, but all were a no go.  You wouldn't budge, at all!

When we went back for our 35 week appointment, the ultra sound confirmed what we already knew. You were still breech and running out of room to move.  Our doctor explained that we could schedule a "version" for week 37 if we were interested.  A "version" is basically when you go to labor and delivery and the doctor manually tries to turn the baby from the outside.  Between the low success rate, the risks, and the general discomfort for mom and baby, your dad and I decided that it wasn't for us and we would just schedule a c-section. 

Therefore, if everything goes according to plan (and I don't go into labor earlier) you will make your official debut on February 10th. 

Addison, your dad and I can't wait to meet you!  Feel free to enjoy my womb for about another 2 weeks, but after that you are officially being evicted!  We will see you soon :)

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