Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy February!

Dear Addison,

It's finally February, which means not only is it the month of LOVE, but it's your birth month! 

It seems like just yesterday we found out that we were expecting.  It seems like just yesterday that we saw you on the screen and heard your heart beat for the very first time.  Those are moments that your dad and I will never forget.

It's crazy to think that you went from being the size of an apple seed to the size of a pumpkin in nine short months and now we are just days away from meeting you for the very first time.  We can't wait to see your sweet face and hear your cry, we can't wait to see your tiny hands and your ten tiny toes, we can't wait to snuggle you up and hold you for hours, we can't wait to see what color your gorgeous hair is (blonde like your dad or brunette like your mom?), and we can't wait to show you off to the world!  Hurry up Addison, you have lots of people anxiously awaiting your arrival on the outside world.  Enjoy your last few days in my belly little girl because your daddy and I (and your 4 legged-brother Cooper) cannot wait to meet you! 

Love, Mommy

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