Sunday, March 30, 2014

St. Patty's Day

Your first St. Patrick's Day was not very eventful because it was raining and very cold outside.  YUCK!  I promise you that's not typical Virginia Beach weather!  Lucky for you, that meant that I had plenty of time to play dress up with you in your cute green outfits and have a mini-photo session...
Your adorable tutu from your cousin Bryan... the first of many!
"Really mom, enough with the pictures!"

Your dad likes to pretend that you were singing us a song in this picture.
"Hmmm maybe my mom will give me some green milk to celebrate St. Patrick's Day."
"Wait, what do you mean I can't have green milk!"  Addie, I promise your dad and I will buy you a green beer (in about 20 years and 10 months) to make it up to you!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy Baby

Addie, you are such a happy baby!  Over the last week or so you and I really got into a routine that seems to keep you happy (and when you are happy, I am happy!)

I feed you every 3 hours during the day and I usually end up waking you up to eat.  You would probably sleep a lot longer, but I like to feed you more during the day because I think it is helping you sleep longer at night.  Typically, you eat for about 45 minutes or so, then you stay awake to "play" for an hour.  Yes, I know that you are only 5 weeks old so I use the term "play" loosely, but you LOVE to lay on your activity mat and make all kinds of adorable faces and noises.  You kick your legs and stretch your arms and usually sneak it a smile or two!  So, yes, in my mind this is your "playing" and your dad and I think it is the cutest thing in the whole entire world! 

Who's that pretty girl in the mirror?

We "play" on your activity mat a couple times a day and you seem to really like it.  Sometimes I even turn on the really super bright family room light and ceiling fan as an added bonus for you.  Then, it's a party!  Between the colors on your mat and the bright light above - you are one happy camper!  Cooper usually even joins in on the fun!

Coop babysitting his little sister!

"Uh oh mom, why is she crying?"

"Come on Addison look at all these neat toys!"

"Heck with her, this is pretty cool!"
Usually, our "play" time makes you really tired and ends with a big yawn.  Next, you will nap for about an hour and then I wake you up and we repeat (about 6 times a day haha!) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Addie - Month 1

Here are your numbers from our 2 week check-up:
Weight 8 lbs 15 oz (69th percentile)
Length 23 inches (99th percentile)
Head 41 cm (99th percentile)

You are a very long and skinny baby!  We only bought a few newborn outfits before you were born because we didn’t even know if they would fit you.  You started out wearing some of your newborn outfits, but by the end of your first month they quickly became too short and too small.  At the same time the 0-3 month clothes and the 3 month clothes are still a little too big; you are kind of between sizes.  I usually just dress you in your comfy fleece sleep and plays to keep your warm and cozy, unless we have an outing planned for the day.  Then, we dress you up in something cute with a headband of course, which you absolutely hate!  It’s probably because you have such a big head, so I am just working on figuring out which ones fit and which ones are too small.


We also did not know if the newborn diapers would fit you, so I only bought 1 box before you were born.  We also brought some newborn diapers home from the hospital (as many as we could possibly fit in our bag!)  Since you’re so skinny, the newborn diapers fit you perfectly for your first month.  We had to make a few trips out to the store to buy more.   My plan is to use up the last of the newborn diapers we bought and switch you over to size 1.  I think size 1 is drastically bigger than the newborn size!  It already makes me a little sad to think about how much you have grown over the past couple of weeks.

You are a very healthy, happy baby!  At your 2 week appointment, Dr. Fink was very happy with your progress.  You were already well passed your birth weight and eating like a champ!   Your dad and I could not believe that you were in the 99th percentile for both height and head circumference!  When we first left the hospital you had a little bit of jaundice, Dr. Fink said that it was because you have a different blood type than I do.  By your 2 week appointment he was no longer concerned and said your color looked great.  He also checked your hips because you were breech.  We have to go get an ultra sound of your hips next month, but you’ve made a lot of progress in this area as well.  Dr. Fink wants the ultra sound just to be safe, but he is confident that everything seems fine.

You are an exclusively breastfed baby and although it wasn’t an easy road in the beginning you are a great eater and gaining weight, so I couldn’t be happier.  I started to pump in week 2 because it was too painful to nurse you on my left side, so I would nurse you on one side and then you would take a bottle.  I didn’t want to introduce a bottle this early, but it has actually been great.  You will nurse or take a bottle; it doesn’t make a difference to you as long as you are getting fed!  Your dad has enjoyed being able to feed you a bottle occasionally and it makes it easier to go out in public.  I’ve yet to nurse in public, but it’s very easy to throw a bottle in the diaper bag to hold you off until we get home.

You have been a great sleeper from Day 1!  When we were in the hospital and our first week home from the hospital I would have to wake you in the middle of the night every 3-4 hours to feed you.  Once we had your 2 week doctor’s appointment and found out that you surpassed your birth weight Dr. Fink said that I no longer needed to wake you up in the middle of the night.  Since then, you have been amazing!  I usually nurse you at 10pm and you will sleep until about 5ish.  I nurse you from 5-6 and then you typically sleep again until around 9:30 or 10.  I hope you keep it up because a well rested mommy, daddy, and baby makes for a very happy Harvell household!

You love being held and bouncing up and down.  You could sit and stare at the ceiling fan and the bright kitchen lights for hours.  When you are fussy, your swing and paci can instantly calm you down.  You absolutely LOVE to eat and you make a super adorable “milk-wasted” face as your dad and I call it when you are full.  The heartbeat sound on your sleep sheep helps you fall asleep every night and you are a fan of our family walks that we take a couple times a week.

There are a few things that you are NOT a fan of, the biggest is probably being hungry!  You have a very angry cry when you are hungry and you hate it when it takes me a few minutes to get situated before I nurse you.  You also hate getting dressed, especially when I put anything over your head and you’re also not a big fan of those adorable headbands.  Towards the end of the month your nose got a little congested and you cannot stand having your nose suctioned.  I know you hate it so I try to only do it right before I nurse you, but man you give me a look when I put that thing in your nose!

You work really hard to hold your head up for a few seconds when I am burping you or when we do tummy time.  You can hold onto mom or dad’s fingers.  You make tons of adorable facial expressions, including a spontaneous smile here and there.  You love to stare at your dad and I and you are very aware of our voices.  Towards the end of the month you became a lot more vocal and will make all kinds of cute noises when you are awake.

You are such a happy baby and your dad and I have loved getting to know you this month!  We love to snuggle with you and could sit and stare at you for hours.  When you are awake, you are extremely alert and you make the most adorable facial expressions and baby noises.  The only time you get angry is when you are hungry and you let us know it right away!  We can’t wait to continue to watch you grow and see your personality shine through over the next couple of months!

Grandma and Pap Castello, Uncle Brian, Carla, Aunt Kristen, Mom-Mom, and Grandpa were all there on your birthday.  My work friends, Brianna, Nicole, Pam, and Julie also came to visit you.   Your cousin Bryan came for the weekend with Pap.  Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa had a virtual visit via Facetime.