Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy Baby

Addie, you are such a happy baby!  Over the last week or so you and I really got into a routine that seems to keep you happy (and when you are happy, I am happy!)

I feed you every 3 hours during the day and I usually end up waking you up to eat.  You would probably sleep a lot longer, but I like to feed you more during the day because I think it is helping you sleep longer at night.  Typically, you eat for about 45 minutes or so, then you stay awake to "play" for an hour.  Yes, I know that you are only 5 weeks old so I use the term "play" loosely, but you LOVE to lay on your activity mat and make all kinds of adorable faces and noises.  You kick your legs and stretch your arms and usually sneak it a smile or two!  So, yes, in my mind this is your "playing" and your dad and I think it is the cutest thing in the whole entire world! 

Who's that pretty girl in the mirror?

We "play" on your activity mat a couple times a day and you seem to really like it.  Sometimes I even turn on the really super bright family room light and ceiling fan as an added bonus for you.  Then, it's a party!  Between the colors on your mat and the bright light above - you are one happy camper!  Cooper usually even joins in on the fun!

Coop babysitting his little sister!

"Uh oh mom, why is she crying?"

"Come on Addison look at all these neat toys!"

"Heck with her, this is pretty cool!"
Usually, our "play" time makes you really tired and ends with a big yawn.  Next, you will nap for about an hour and then I wake you up and we repeat (about 6 times a day haha!) 

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