Thursday, June 26, 2014

Life Lately...

We have been extremely busy these last couple of weeks!  In the last month, we have had a whirlwind of visitors, we have experienced many firsts and milestones, and we have gone on quite a few fun family outings...and when you sum it all up life's been pretty crazy!

I think back to life as a single lady, before I met Eric, and I used to think I was busy.  I mean I did have to get up and go to work every day, but other than that there wasn't really anything else on my daily agenda.  Then, I met Eric, we got married, and bought a house and I thought to myself - yea that wasn't busy at all, THIS is busy.  I have to go to work, cook dinner, clean the house, and then relax on the couch every night and watch a few shows before we go to bed.  Fast forward about another year when we welcomed our beautiful, little Addie girl into this this is the real definition of busy.  Being a working mom and taking care of a newborn (who I might add was an amazing sleeper...until I went back to work!).. THIS is busy.  The kind of busy when you sometimes forget to shower, you sometimes have to pick between eating or drying your hair in the 5 minutes of freedom that you have.  Yes, THIS is busy...but, I wouldn't change it for the world.  I love our life now, dirty diapers, messy house,  short days and long nights.  I love every single thing about it!

So here is a little glimpse as to what has been going on in the Harvell household lately...

We brought Addie to her first country concert, Jake Owen on the can't beat that!

Disclaimer:  This photo doesn't accurately portray our experience at a country concert, with a newborn, during her bedtime...I'll let you take a guess as to what really happened.
We spent the day in the Outer Banks with the Feola's and introduced Addie to Aunt Leah!

Too bad Addie wasn't wearing her matching fedora!

 The pool has become our 2nd home, no it's not quite the beach, but it's much more baby friendly so it will do for now...
Pap with his 2 grandkids in the pool

Addie even joined in on the fun of the "funny faces" picture

Chillin' in the pool with her daddy

Yes, she makes any bathing suit look cute...chubby thighs and all!

Cruisin' in her float

Napping by the that's the life!  And the cutest flower I've ever seen I must add!

Daddy's girl
Relaxing at Sandbridge with family!  Yes, I said RELAXING...Grandma took Addie shopping for a few hours while we relaxed on the beach.
Aren't they silly?

Some of the crew

Perfect day on the beach

Lifeguards on duty!

Look at that stud, I pretty much had to beg him to get out of the water for 2 seconds so that I could take a picture.  He loved jumping in the waves!

Bryan's turn to be buried!

Quick photo with the hubby!

Grandma and Addie joined us on the beach for some late afternoon fun.

Eric and Sherry catching some rays!

Yes, we had a crazy, but extremely fun, couple of weeks.  Then all of a sudden, school was out for the summer, all of our visitors left (even Aunt Krissy, so sad), and it was just the 3 of us (and Coop of course) left in the house.  It was quiet again, but that didn't mean the fun stopped.  It's nice to slow down and enjoy our little family sometimes, just us, and that is what we have been doing.

Addie has started to grab at toys and "play" with them which has been a lot of fun for all of us.  We spend some time every night just sitting on the floor with Addie and Coop, playing and smiling.  Addie loves her new toys, especially her whale activity mat and her Baby Einstein jumper thing (not sure what it's actually called.)  She tends to favor her toys that are red and loves to put just about anything in her mouth. 

Can you tell someone's excited!

She loves her ocean activity mat!

But I think her favorite new toy these days is her toes!  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she has found her feet!  Who needs toys when you have 2 feet and 2 hands!

 We bought Addie a new high chair so that she can "join the party" while we are eating dinner.  We sit down and eat dinner as a family every single night.  Addie has even started eating solids, we started with rice cereal, and next up on the menu is sweet potatoes!  A couple times a week, dinner is followed by a family of Cooper's favorite family activities!

That's what the Harvell's have been up to so far this summer - in a nutshell.  Hopefully, the rest of summer is filled with just as much fun, family, and laughter - whether it's a crazy, busy week or a quiet couple of days at home - I am looking forward to soaking up every single minute of my summer with this cutie! 

Happy Summer my friends!!!

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