Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 4

Your dad and I absolutely love watching you grow and it seems like you learn how to do something new every other day.  And without saying anything else, here are some of our favorite things from month #4...

  • I've always loved the weekends, I mean who doesn't, right?  But, since I went back to work in month #4 the weekends were even that more special.  It meant that I got to spend the entire day with my little angel and I loved every minute of it.  One of our favorite things to do is cuddle in bed on Saturdays and Sundays.  I usually hear you wake up first and I put you in our bed.  You are always full of smiles and tell us a few morning stories, some can be pretty dramatic, before you realize you're hungry.  Those are moments (and stories) that I will never forget.
Weekend fun at the pool with mommy, daddy, and Aunt Kristen

Your first time in the pool, you weren't a huge fan (and neither was mommy) because the water was still pretty chilly.
  •  Another one of my favorite things is seeing that smile on your face when I walk in the door after work.  Coming home from work to see you is like waking up on Christmas morning every single time.  There's not a moment in my day that I am not thinking about you and I probably looked at your picture a couple hundred times a day.  The second the kids left for the day, I was out the door and on a mission to get home to my little girl.  I hate being away from you, but seeing that face upon my turn makes it all okay.
This is what sweat and humidity does to your hair!

This is much better.

  • You are such a happy baby and you've started getting a crinkle in your nose when you smile really big...and it is absolutely adorable!
I LOVE when we can catch a nose crinkle smile on camera!

  •  I love to watch you interact with your Aunt Kristen.  It's been great that you have gotten to spend so much time with her already and you love her to death.  Aunt Kristen can get you to smile like no one else can and it is pretty awesome to watch.
You and your buddy on your baptism.

This is what I usually came home to, Aunt Krissy and the kids!

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