Monday, June 16, 2014

Addie - Month 4

Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz (78th percentile)
Length: 25 inches (96th percentile)
Head: 44 cm (95th percentile)

I officially packed away all of your 3 month clothes and that was a very sad day.  Apparently, babies grow very fast and although watching you grow is exciting, it still makes me a little sad that time is going by so fast.  Right now, 6 month clothes are a perfect fit for you and if you could just stay this little forever that would be great!

You are barely fitting in the last few packs of size 1 diapers.  We will have to move you up to size 2 any day now.

We had your 4 month check up with Dr. Fink and you are still a very healthy baby.  Dr. Fink says that you are "long, skinny, and smart" based on your measurements.  Your dad and I agree with all but the "skinny" comment.  You love your milk and you've really chunked up this month and your chubby thighs are beyond adorable.

You are developing a little bit of flat head because you still tend to favor your right side.  Luckily, you don't spend too much time laying around during the day anymore, you prefer to be up and looking around, so Dr. Fink says to continue keeping you off of it as much as possible during the day and it should round out perfectly.

At the end of your check-up you had to get your 2nd round of vaccinations.  You had to take an oral and then get a shot in each thigh just like last time.  Your face turned just as red and you screamed just as loud and it was equally painful for me to watch.  I'm pretty sure it will never get easy to see you in pain, even if it is for your own good.

The biggest change this month is that I went back to work.  We were very lucky that your Aunt Kristen was finished with school for the summer, so she came to Virginia to live with us and take care of you for 4 weeks until my summer break.  Having your Aunt Kristen take care of you made the transition much easier on everyone.  I felt better knowing you were left in good hands (plus the constant pictures and videos were an added bonus) and you got to stay at home with a familiar face.

You are still exclusively breastfed and we are very lucky that you will nurse and take a bottle interchangeably without any problems.  I nurse you every morning before I go to work and then you take 2 bottles (5 oz each) while I am at work.  Then, I nurse you 2-3 times when I get home.  It has worked out great and although pumping at work might not be my favorite thing, I am very thankful that I have been able to keep up with you.

We got the okay to start introducing solids from your pediatrician.  You are showing some signs that you are ready, but I don't think you are quite there yet.  We are going to invest in a high chair soon to let you sit up with us at the table and once you gain a little better head control we will give it a shot, starting with rice cereal of course.  Stay tuned in the next month or so for updates on how it goes.

You started sleeping in your crib right after you turned 3 months old.  About the first 2 weeks went great, then as soon as I started back to work you decided that you didn't like it anymore.  You wanted to "party" as we call it in the middle of the night for an hour or two every night, which made for a very cranky working momma.  I decided that I would put you back in our room for a week or two for my own sanity and try again once I was on summer break.  Once I did that, you went back to sleeping through the night.

Every night you start to show your tired cues between 7:30-8:30.  We give you a bath every other night and I nurse you before you go to sleep.  I wake you up to nurse you before work and you typically fall back asleep in Aunt Kristen's room until 10ish.  You still aren't a very big napper, but you usually will take 2-3 cat naps of 20 minutes or so during the day.  I haven't really pushed much of a schedule on you yet, I let you take the lead and it has worked out well for us so far. 

You love spending so much time with your Aunt Kristen.  She plays with you and the two of you take "selfies" every morning when you are cuddling in bed.  The rock-n-play is your favorite place to sleep, although I would prefer it to be your crib by now.  We are working on it though!  The bumbo is a new favorite this month because it allows you to see what's going on around you.  You continue to love being carried around in your Ergo, as well as taking walks.  Both were life savers when we went to DC for Uncle Brian and Carla's graduation.  When we eat dinner, you love to "join the party" and sit up with us so you can see everyone.  Sophie the giraffe is currently your favorite toy.

You are not a very big fan of the sun, especially when it is in your eyes.  This had made our pool/beach days few and far between.  We are working on it though and we are hopeful that you will at least love the pool by the end of the summer. 

This month you are still very interested in your hands.  You started grabbing at some of your toys and you are able to hold your Sophie the Giraffe and after a few tries make it to your mouth.  You try to put your hands together and put them in your mouth, but you usually miss, which makes it look like you are hitting yourself in the face.  It's hilarious, but also cute at the same time.  You have discovered that you not only have hands, but also have feet, or a foot I should say.  I'm pretty sure you only think you have one, you have yet to find the left one.  You love to blow bubbles and make noises with your lips.  Between that and eating your hands, you are constantly covered in drool these days.  You can soak an outfit in no time!  We are still waiting for you to roll over for the first time, you get so close, but then your arm gets stuck.  We are also waiting for you to laugh out loud, our pediatrician said that maybe I should work on some new jokes for this, but I am confident that it is coming soon!  Stay tuned next month for updates on this.

Your dad and I seriously can't get enough of you and how cute you are.  You are the most adorable little lady who is always full of smiles.  We were extremely busy this month and it didn't phase you at all.  You are such a chill baby who just goes with the flow.  No matter who holds you or where we are, you always have a smile on your face and that's one (of many things) that we love about you!

Robert, Jill (and baby Josie Leigh) came to meet you for the first time.  We traveled to DC for Uncle Brian and Carla's graduation.  We spent the day in the Outer Banks introducing you to the Feola's.  Aunt Kristen moved in with us for a whole MONTH!  Your Pap, Grandma, Uncle Brian, Carla, Bryan, Mom-mom, Great-Grandpa, and Great-Grandma all came to help us celebrate your Baptism.

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