Saturday, May 31, 2014

Brian and Carla's Graduation

We went to Washington DC for Brian and Carla's Graduation from GW Law a few weekends ago.  It was yet another fun filled weekend of family fun, sightseeing, and celebrating.  Congratulations Brian and Carla, we are so proud of you guys!!!

The new GW grads in their funny hats!
We started off the weekend on an absolutely beautiful Saturday afternoon with some sightseeing.

Addie could barely contain her excitement lol

She even sported her "I love my uncle" onesie in honor of Brian's graduation.

Family photo!

My mom taking her "selfie" with Brian.  Yes, she used the term "selfie" and yes she also posted her "selfie" on Facebook minutes after this photo was taken. 

The proud parents and their (favorite?) child.  We're not sure if he still holds that title or not, I mean I did just give them the cutest granddaughter around so if that doesn't bump me up I'm not sure what will lol

Look who finally woke up!

Candid shot

"Where are my sunglasses mom I can't see!!!"

Sunday was a very busy day, but a fun day of celebrating Brian and Carla.  We left the hotel around 8am and didn't return until 11pm.  The first ceremony was at 9:30 at the National Mall, followed by about a 10 mile walk and lunch.  Then. the Law School ceremony was at 2:30pm, followed about another 10 mile walk and 100 pictures.  Lastly, we ate some tapas for dinner, walked another couple of miles and returned to the hotel.  Needless to say, we got our workout in on Sunday and I did most of it carrying a 12 pound baby in my baby carrier.  It was a fun, yet exhausting day!

Looking for a lawyer - you should probably call this guy...

It's official!

Baby selfie!

and another with the man of the hour!

The proud grandparents with their grandson in front of a pretty important building.

Sibling photo - I can't remember the last time we got a picture of the 4 of us!

The whole Castello-Harvell clan....all together...and all getting along! How crazy is that?

Family photo

My dad wanted a picture of just him in front of the white house so that he can text it to his friends on his flip phone.  Don't ask questions.

Addie girl, in outfit #2 for the day!  You fill in the blanks!

They think they're cool.

On Monday, as Brian and Carla jetted off to the Dominican Repulic to celebrate their graduation, we ended our weekend with a tour of the Capitol.

When Eric had the camera, he took pictures of historical things.  When I had the camera, I took pictures of pretty things.  Who do you think took this picture?

The original Declaration of Independence

View from the balcony

Addie is only 3 1/2 months, yet she is already so educated.

The crew touring the Capitol

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