Sunday, May 11, 2014

Addie - Month 3

Weight:  ?
Length:  ?
Head:  ?

We didn't have an appointment this month, our next one is your 4 month check-up in June.

Right now you are wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothes.  I am excited that the weather is finally getting warm enough because you have so many cute dresses and rompers, and they all show off those chubby thighs that I just can't get enough of.  I did have to buy you some new white onesies and pajamas because you were ready to move up to 6 months, mainly because of your length.

Size 1 diapers are still the perfect fit for your little bum!

No stats or health report this month - hopefully you're bigger and taller though!  We go next month for another checkup and more shots...yikes!

"Mom, these hands are pretty yummy!"

"Okay I'll move them for a few pictures."

Breastfeeding continues to go great, you and I are the perfect team!  I nurse you for about 20-25 minutes 5-6 times per day.  You still eat about every 3 hours during the day and then give us a nice long stretch of sleep at night!  We still make sure that you get a few bottles a week, you typically take 3-5 ounces when you do.  I have a really good freezer stash built up for when you need it, so I have been pumping a lot less lately.  Overall, you are still a really good eater and you love to get "milk wasted!"

Addie, you are an amazing sleeper!  This month, you have started putting your hands up near your face when you get tired and your dad and I think it is the most adorable thing ever.  When those hands go up after dinner, we know that it's our cue to get moving on your bedtime routine.  Another new thing this month is that your dad's new favorite thing is to rock you to sleep.  Your dad misses you so much while he is at work all day and he loves getting some cuddle time in before you go to bed.  A couple times a week Dad gives you a bottle and rocks you to sleep.  Unfortunately, I have to go back to work soon so we will probably start to fight over who gets to do it, but for now we let dad have his turn.  You usually have your last feeding around 8:00-8:30ish and fall asleep shortly after that.  You usually wake up in the morning between 7:30-8:30 to eat and typically fall back asleep for another hour or two.  Like I said earlier, Addie you are an amazing sleeper...PLEASE keep it up :)

Originally, my goal was to have you sleeping in your crib by 3 months and I can't say we are quite there yet.  You usually take a nap in your crib every day and you do great, but I just love having you in our room so much I wasn't quite ready to give that up yet.   So I guess our new goal will be to have you in your crib by 4 months.

"Those faces are pretty funny Dad!"

Back to the hands....again!

"What do you mean I'm 3 months old already?!"

Another big thing this month has been the discovery of your hands!  You are so amazed by them, you could just sit and stare at them for hours...and even better than looking at them is eating them!  These days, your hands even trump your paci, which says A LOT!  You love to play games, read books, and sing songs with mommy and daddy.  Some of your favorites are "sooo big," your wrist rattles, the wheels on the bus, and all of your colorful board books.  We like to think that you tell us "stories" too as you talk and make the cutest coo-ing sounds, your stories are by far our favorites!  You still continue to love kicking your legs and exercising on your activity mat.  These days you prefer to be held over my shoulder or facing out, there's too many cool things to look at to be held like a baby.  You love walks and you can't get enough of Cooper!  Cooper gets a smile out of you every time he is close by!

You still HATE having your nose suctioned out and can't stand when someone tried to interrupt you when you are eating!  You also aren't a very big fan of being held like a baby anymore (cradle) unless you are tired.

Can you tell someone likes her hands these days?!

"Mom, I tried to tell you last time that this isn't Cooper!"

"You're trying to tell me this dog is full of stuffing, that's silly!"

You have grown so much this month, your dad and I feel like you went from a newborn baby to a little human being over night!  The biggest change has been your neck control.  You are really good at holding your head up when I hold you over my shoulder and can hold it up to 90 degrees when we have tummy time.  We have even started using your bumbo seat for a little bit each day so that you can sit and look around.  At 10 weeks you held your ball for the first time, you don't grab for your toys on your own yet but I can put them in your hand and you will hold them for a few seconds.  You can bring your hands together and you are learned that you have control over them.  You love to bring them to your mouth, twist and turn them around, and stare at them.  You are so interested in your hands these days that you could do without your toys I think, but we still continue to use them to work on grasping and grabbing things.  You are very alert and aware of your dad and I and you will turn towards our voices, especially daddy's when he gets home from work.  You great him with a huge grin every single day!  You are extremely verbal and will squeal, coo, and talk to us constantly.  The facial expressions you make when you are telling us stories are absolutely adorable.  You are extremely strong and can bear weight on your legs for a few seconds and "stand" on our lap while you are talking to us.  I am working really hard to try to get you to laugh, you will squeal and get so close to a giggle, but you are not quite there yet!  Your dad and I are dying to hear you giggle though so I hope it comes soon.  Another thing you are really close to doing is rolling over.  Hopefully, I will be able to share stories of your first real laugh and the first time you roll over next month!

You are such a sweet little lady these days and you love your mommy and daddy.  You are very aware of who we are and give us the most adorable smiles!  In the last couple of weeks you have become extremely observant, you are constantly turning your head back and forth taking everything in.  We love to watch you as you learn about your surroundings, you are very amazed by the leaves on the trees and the birds when we take walks around the neighborhood.  When you get sleepy you are very cuddly, there's nothing better than snuggling you close as we rock you to sleep at night. 

Pap, Grandma, and Aunt Kristen came for Easter, Mom-mom came for a long weekend, and we took your first trip to Raleigh!

Addie, you are already 3 months old and I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around this fact!  When people tell you that time flies by, they're not kidding!  You've gone from an adorable little newborn to a little human that is full of personality and the cutest little smiles!  We love you so much Addie!

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