Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mother's Day

I absolutely love being a mom!  It is by far the best job in the world and even though I have only been a mom for a few months, I couldn't imagine my life without Addie.  I feel very lucky to be her mom and she has changed our life completely.  I can't put into words how much I love that little girl! 

My first Mother's Day was perfect!  We spent the day as a family and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I would have been happy just cuddling her all day on the couch, but Eric (and Addie) went above and beyond to make me feel special that day.  It started with breakfast in bed and it was super yummy!  Eric cooked up a storm while Addie and I had a lazy morning hanging out.  Then, we went for an early dinner to one of our favorite restaurants, Watermans, followed by a walk on the beach.  It was an amazing day that I will never forget!

I love this little girl to pieces!

Addie loves putting her toes in the sand!

Family photo at the beach!  Not only did I get breakfast in bed, dinner at Waterman's, and a walk on the beach, but Addie and Eric also got me a diamond necklace with Addie's birthstone in it!  I am one lucky girl!

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