Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Eric had his hands full with a busy weekend, my birthday was on Friday and my 1st Mother's Day was on Sunday...but little did I know he had quite a few tricks up his sleeve.  My birthday celebration started by stopping at school with Addie to see my class followed by pedicures with Brianna and Pam.  Then, the plan was to come home, change and get ready to go to a late dinner with Eric and Addie.  I thought that was an awesome way to spend my 28th birthday!  I walked in the door after my pedicure with Addie in one hand and her dirty outfit that she had pooped in earlier that day in the other hand, clearly I had NO IDEA what was waiting for me inside!  I was in complete shock when our house was full of our friends, neighbors, and out of town guests.  Eric had thrown me a surprise party!  He had been working for months to organize the decorations, food, drinks, and even surprised me with Brian, Carla, Robert, and Jill driving in for the occasion.  We had a blast hanging out, celebrating, and playing a friendly game of Cards Against Humanity.  I am a very lucky girl and 28 is a birthday that I will never forget!

Family photo op before Addie went to bed for the night!

Addie spending some QT with Uncle Brian

LOVED my cake - Beach Chairs to Rocking Chairs :)

The Jimmy Buffet theme was displayed in some really cute signs that my friend's mom made for the party.

The youngest and cutest, guests at the party...Addie and Nicole's son, Andrew.

Having fun with some of the ladies!

The party planners

These 2 are trouble...

Cooper even got to have a friend!

Not only did I get to have a surprise party, but I also got Jimmy Buffet tickets!  Plus, I got 2 more charms for my Pandora bracelet...it was a pretty awesome birthday!
Dinner with Robert and Jill later on that weekend.

Addie couldn't wait to meet Robert and Jill

Addie is getting really excited to meet her future BFF Josie Leigh :)

Thanks again guys for making the trip for my birthday!

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