Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 5

Here a few of my favorite things from month 5, along with some of my favorite pictures!

We went to the bay to watch the sunset one night and it was  the first time you enjoyed the beach.  You played in the sand and smiled the whole time, it was awesome!

How lucky are we that this is where we live!

-I love that it is summer time and that I get to be home with you again.  Some of my favorite memories so far have been when it is just the 2 of us (while Daddy is out making money of course!) 

-You continue to have the cutest smile in the entire world and you just smile all day long.  Your dad and I can't get enough of your smiles!

Seriously, how cute is that smile?  You light up the whole room when you smile!

Looking cute in your strawberry shorts, you have the most fabulous summer wardrobe!

-You have started touching my face while I nurse you and I love it.  It's like your saying "I love you Mom" with your hands and it melts my heart every time. (This has not been documented for obvious reasons.)

More smiles!

Looking stylish and sassy in Aunt Kristen's sunglasses

-Your dad and I have really enjoyed all of the "firsts" this month.  From playing with your toys to rolling over to eating solids you are getting big so fast...slow down Addie!  It truly is an honor to be your mom and I love watching you learn and grow, I can't wait to see what next month brings (hopefully a laugh!)

Not to sure about sweet potatoes...

-You've found your toes...and they are in your mouth...a lot...and it is hilarious!

-Your hair.  I love your hair, even in it's constant craziness as it grows longer.  I refuse to cut it any time soon.  So instead, you rocked your first pony tail this month and it was adorable!

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