Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Red, White, and Blue

The 4th of July is your dad's favorite holiday so it has always been an event for us.  In the past we have spent the 4th on the beach with drinks, followed by fireworks.  This year was a little different, instead of heading south to sun and sand, we headed north to family and friends...and it was one of the most memorable ones yet!

We started our day at the baseball field watching your cousin Bryan's last game of the season.  He did great and you loved watching everything around you.  Baseball is a big deal in this family, your dad spent many, many hours on the field growing up and even played in college.  But, another person who absolutely loved baseball was your great-Grandma, Nanny.  Nanny passed away the summer before you were born, but she knew that I was pregnant with you and I know without a doubt in my mind that she is looking down on you every single day.  Another highlight of our 4th of July was that we got to see the bench dedicated to Nanny overlooking the baseball field at Scott park.

After the baseball game, you spent some quality time with you Grandma while your dad and I went golfing.  Yes, I went golfing and it pretty much made your dad's day.  He has been begging me to go for a while now and I finally gave it.  We went to Bob's golf course, a par 3 course where you pay $5 per person to golf all day long.  It was the perfect beginner course and meeting the owner, Bob, was just icing on the cake.  He was a character!

The 4th of July isn't complete without a cookout and that's just what we did.  We spent the rest of the evening with family and friends...and lots of good food. 

Happy 4th of July Addie girl!!!
Holiday outfits are so much fun!  You looked adorable in your red, white, and blue!

Our first 4th as a family!

Hanging out at the baseball game, cheering on cousin Bryan...and rocking our shades of course!

We love you Nanny!

Team 1:  Uncle Jeff, Shelly, Aunt Kristen, your dad, and myself

Team 2:  Cousin Anne, Dave, Uncle David, and cousin Gina

Team 3:  Pap, Cousin Timmy, Maria, and Uncle Tim
Don't I look like a pro, flip flops and all!
The whole golfing crew

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