Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pittsburgh Trip Highlights

Our 10 day trip to Pittsburgh was very eventful.  We were lucky enough to spend time with the Castello side of the family, relax by the "pool" on Fieldstone Beach, meet Max and Charlotte, hang out with cousin Bryan, and end the week in Akron with the Hall side of the family...throw in a holiday, graduation party, and Pirate game and that about sums up our trip.

You are an expert at taking road trips, you travel prepared with all of your favorite toys!
Golfing on the 4th of July...Fore!

Our red, white, and blue cutie
On Saturday we went to cousin Domo's graduation party.  While most of us enjoyed stuffing ourselves with amazing food, you decided to snack on your toes instead!
On Sunday, we cheered on the black and gold!
After our busy weekend, we spent the majority of the week hanging out by the pool with Aunt Kristen, Uncle Jeff, and Pap.
On Wednesday, we went over to the Hendry's house to meet Max and Charlotte.  Charlotte is about a month older than you and Max is 4 months to the day younger than you.  There is so much cuteness in this picture, I can't even handle it!
You love when cousin Byran comes over to Pap's house. 
Your first ponytail!

You turned 5 months old when we were in Pittsburgh, stop growing up so fast!
On Saturday, we drove to Akron for your Great-Grandma's surprise 80th birthday party.  Here you are with all of the great-Grandkids.
Cousin Bryan with the babies...Anna is 11 months, Bryan is almost 6, and you are 5 months.

How cute are these 2?

Uncle Mark, here is your documentation that Addie is the first baby on my side that didn't cry when you held her.  Addie loves her great-Uncle Mark...even if you scared the crap out of me when I was little lol

The whole group!

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