Saturday, September 13, 2014

Addie - Month 7

Weight/Length/Head:No updates this month (your next doctor's appointment isn't until 9 months), but if I were to guess I would say you're pretty close to 20 lbs by now.

You are still in 6-9 months, but I have a feeling we will be transitioning (at least your pajamas) very soon.  I can't even believe how fast and how much you are growing these days!  I feel like it was just yesterday you were wearing those teeny-tiny newborn clothes and I've blinked and all of a sudden I am shopping for 12 month clothes.  Where has the time gone?!?

Size 3

I'm happy to report that there's nothing to report in regards to your health.  No news = good news if you ask me.  Due to the fact that you just started daycare, I'm not sure we will be so lucky next month...fingers crossed though...

We've got a pretty good routine down when it comes to eating.  You LOVE food and you LOVE milk, so feeding time always equals happy time in our house!  On a typical day, I nurse you and then you eat fruit/cereal for breakfast.  Then, you eat lunch and 2-3 bottles while you are at daycare (I'm hoping to get this down to 2 bottles very, very soon - it's tough keeping up with you!) and then you eat a vegetable for dinner and nurse again before bed.

I absolutely love watching you sleep on the monitor because you move around like crazy!  I lay you on your back every night and you immediately turn to your side.  The next time I check you you've done a complete 180 turn and are on your stomach with your butt in the air...then it's back to your back...then stomach...then side...then stomach, literally every time I check the monitor you are sleeping in a different position and facing a different way.  You have been a great sleeper this month though, so whatever works for you, works for me!  Every night you go to bed between 7-8 and sleep until 6 or 7ish.  Sometimes I even have to wake you up during the week!  You are still trying to figure out napping at daycare and typically only take 2 short cat naps.  Most days you come home so exhausted that you nap as soon as you get home too.  I usually have to wake you up after an hour so that you can eat dinner and be ready for bed on time.  The weekends is when you have been catching up on your sleep, you are an awesome napper when you are at home!  I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks you become a great napper at daycare too, but we will have to wait and see!


You love to play with your toys, but also love playing with other things.  The red solo cup continues to be at the top of the list, along with cell phones, pots and pans, my water cup, the remote control, and Cooper.  Your favorite toy at daycare is a water play mat.  You love it so much that I just ordered one for us to keep at home too. You still love music and singing.  Daddy even downloaded the Dora Dora channel for when he drives you to daycare in the morning and you love it!  This month you've also enjoyed sitting up in the grocery cart and joining us at the table in a high chair when we go out to eat. 

You're not a big fan of napping at daycare, too much going on and too much to see!  You become a ninja when I try to clean out your nose.


  • You have officially mastered sitting up all by yourself!
  • You survived your first 2 weeks at daycare
  • Babbling , "talking", coo-ing, ba-ba-ba, and lots of other noises come out of your mouth all day long, it's so cute!
  • No crawling yet, but you can roll/scoot to get what you want. 
  • Tried Puffs for the first time! You will grab them out of my hand, but still have a tough time putting them in your mouth by yourself.  We are working on that.
  • Separation anxiety - you get upset when your dad or I leave the room, but you also get very excited to see us when we come back.  I LOVE picking you up from daycare, dropping you off is not my favorite thing to do.  You don't cry, but I do!
  • I've been saying you've been teething for weeks now because you droll like crazy, but still no teeth!
This month has been a BLAST!  Your dad and I set up a little play area for you in what will (eventually) be your actual play room.  I bought some alphabet tiles and threw all of your toys in a bin.  We spend a TON of time in there and it's awesome.  You love playtime and grin from ear to ear, babble, and wave your arms the entire time and it is absolutely adorable.  You are seriously the happiest baby that I've ever seen!  

Visitors: You finally got to meet your Uncle Jay and met Mike and Cheri for the first time this month.  Mom-mom also came to stay with us for a little while.

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