Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 7

Here are some of my favorite things from this past month:

  • I absolutely love your hair...even with the craziness that I try to tame every morning (see below) I'm still obsessed with it!  I see many pony tails, braids, and cute hair bows in our future!
"How's my hair look this morning Mom?"
  •  Our evening playtime is probably my favorite part of the entire day.  Your dad and I miss you so much while we are at work, so we make sure we spend quality time together every single night.  We get on the floor and get out some toys and you are in heaven!  You smile from ear to ear and laugh the entire time!
"Look at me!  I'm such a big girl sitting up all by myself!"
  •  There's nothing better than when your dad and I check our email in the middle of the day while we are at work and we get one of these adorable pictures of our Addie girl.  Miss Michelle sends us a picture or two of you every week and we love seeing you in action at "school." 
"What IS this thing?  I'm not in my stroller anymore, but this bye, bye buggy isn't bad!"

"How do you like my chalk art?"
  •  I love picking you up from daycare.  The second I walk in the door you get a huge smile on your face and start to wave your arms.  I drive like a race-car driver every afternoon just to see your smiling face!
The welcoming girl in the Lil' Pigs room.  She loves to sit on the mat by the door and smile at everyone that comes in the door.  Such a sweetheart!

  • Cooper is your best bud and you love to sit and watch him.  You love it when he gives you kisses and even attempt to "pet" him aka grab, poke, prod, and kick him.  But, I know it's you just showing him you love him and Coop better just get used to it!
"Coop, your head makes an awesome foot rest!"

  • You have become quite the Daddy's girl recently and I just love watching the 2 of you interact.  Daddy always seems to get the biggest smiles out of you and you just light up when you see him.  He would do just about anything to make you smile...he has perfected his baby voice, learned some new toddler sing-a-long songs, and become pretty good at putting hair bows in your hair before you go to school; just to name a few things. You guys just sit together and laugh back and forth, it's so cute.  You've become daddy's little assistant this month by helping him run his errands for work. It's never too early to learn the Josten's way I guess!

"Yep that's right, I'm Daddy's favorite Princess!  I already have him wrapped around my finger and I know it!"

  • I love how your dad and I can't take you anywhere without someone stopping us to say hi to you and tell us how adorable you are.  I mean you are pretty much the cutest little girl ever, so I don't blame them!  Grocery shopping takes a little longer these days because that's where you seem to make the most friends.  There's always a grandma or two and usually other little girls who like to stop us to chat for a few minutes and you usually show off with some smiles, giggles, and babbling.  I love it!

I love grocery shopping with this cutie!

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