Sunday, September 7, 2014

Back to School

Addie started "school" the last week of August.  We all woke up Monday morning bright and early.  It was my first day of teacher work week, which meant it was Addie's first day of daycare.  We got dressed, we ate breakfast, then we headed outside for a few pictures before it was time to go.  Yes, we are all smiling in the pictures, but I promise you I was crying on the inside.  Eric practically had to drag me to the car kicking and screaming.  Thankfully, Addie took her first day much better than I did.  She was a little bit fussy and is still trying to figure out her new routine, but overall I would say it was a pretty successful week.

One of my favorite things about her daycare is that they email Eric and I pictures.  Addie made chalk art on her first week!

Addie is doing a great job sitting up at daycare!  She loves to see her friends and play with toys.  Addie's favorite toy is the water mat.

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