Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 8

Here are a few of my favorite thing from month 8:

-You have been a fan of music and singing ever since we started classes at the Little Gym when you were 4 months old.  When you hear music you usually smile from ear to ear and wave your arms, but this month you have even started dancing!  You bounce up and down and it is absolutely adorable.  I'm pretty sure you even know what the word dance means (or you might just be mimicking me, but I like to think you know what I'm saying) because every time a song comes on I'll say "Addie, can you dance?" and you look at me, smile, and start bouncing up and down.  Blasting Toddler Tunes on the TV and dancing has been one of our favorite things to do this month!

Dancing with your puppy! 
 -I love watching you interact with Cooper, you become more and more interested in him every single month.  This month you've started helping me give Cooper his treats and he is such a good "big brother" because he is so gentle and will even wait for you to let go of the treat.  Between the treats and the puffs you like to share with him, Cooper is really starting to like having you around!

Playing with your other puppy.  How cute are you 2?!?

Waiting for daddy to come home from work!  "Cooper, do you see him, do you see him?  I'm not big enough - tell me when he's coming!"

Reading my Daddy book because he is working his parent night tonight.  Cooper was reading it with us, but he was laying on the floor so you can't see him in the picture.
-I love waking you up in the morning!  Not only am I excited to see you, but you look up at me with you crazy hair and give me the biggest grin when you see me.  Then, you hold your arms over your head and let out a big stretch.  It's so cute!

Happy girl, even at 6am!
 -We love going for walks and taking you to the park!  You LOVE to be outside and I don't blame you because it has been so nice out lately!  It's not too hot and not too cold, it's perfect!  We have spent several fall afternoons at Oak Grove Park walking around the lake and swinging in the baby swing.  We even have spent some time walking on the boardwalk with Daddy and again when Aunt Leah came to visit.  Grandma and Pap even took you to the neighborhood park when they came to visit.  You absolutely love it and we are going to continue enjoying the outdoors while we still can.

Having fun at the park.

Enjoying a day at the beach and a walk on the boardwalk with Aunt Leah!

Smiling pretty with Grandma!

My Pappap rocks!

Just a girl and her dad, walking at the beach.

-You have become quite the artist at daycare this month.  Ms. Michelle is always emailing your dad and I pictures during the day with captions like "Addie loved the orange crayon today, she just didn't want to put it down!"  Not sure where you get your artistic ability from, but I know it's not from your dad or I.  But, we love it - keep the "pictures" coming and try not to eat too many crayons while you are creating your masterpieces!

"Green or blue, decisions, decisions...."

"Going with the blue today!"

"Loving the orange today!"
-One thing I know that you got from me is your sweet tooth.  You love your teething cookies and I love watching you eat them.  You are pretty messy, but I still think your Uncle Brian has you beat in this department.  He's much older, but still much messier, than you are!

-Last, but not least, teeth!  I love your 2 front teeth!  Although, they are very sharp (trust me I know this first hand from nursing you!) but they are so cute!  I can't believe that our little baby is now 8 months old and has teeth!

2 ponytails for 2 teeth

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