Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas with the Castello's

We celebrated Christmas with the Castello's in Pittsburgh the day after Christmas.  You are so lucky that you didn't just have one Christmas this year, but you had 3, one with the Steffanus family, one with Mommy and Daddy on Christmas, and one with the Castello's.  

You had a blast celebrating with Pap, Grandma, Uncle Brian, and Aunt Kristen.  They spoiled you with a lot of presents too!  Uncle Brian got you some cute workout clothes, Carla got you and I adorable matching bracelets and a personalized jewelry box to keep it in, Aunt Kristen got you a fun v-tech cube toy and some cute clothes, and Grandma and Pap got you your first baby doll, an alphabet train, some new clothes, and a few other books and toys.  Like I said before, you are one lucky girl!

Riding on your new alphabet train!

Checking out your gift from Aunt Krissy

You LOVE your new baby doll

You give her hugs all of the time, it is so sweet

Reading one of your new books with Grandma

Being silly with Pap

See, Uncle Brian isn't always so scary.

You and your buddy 

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