Monday, January 19, 2015

Your First Christmas

We celebrated your first Christmas this year and it was a blast!  We started a lot of our own Christmas traditions and made lots of fun family memories.  Here is a recap of Christmas 2014...

Let's start with Christmas Eve.  We spent the day relaxing and hanging out at the house, it was actually a pretty yucky day outside so it was nice to just spend most of the day at home.  We did go to Christmas Eve mass and you were an angel.  You looked adorable in your new red dress and I think you waved at every single person at church.  You were full of smiles, probably because you knew that Santa Claus would be coming soon!  

Looking cute in your Christmas dress!

After mass, we picked up some Chinese take-out for dinner (which you absolutely loved!)  We ate dinner and then you opened up your first present.  In your Christmas Eve box, you got new gingerbread pajamas, a new Christmas book, and a treat.  Your dad and I also got some new Christmas pajamas!  We wrote our letter to Santa, put out some of the sugar cookies that we made (and carrots for Rudolph of course.)  You and your dad even snuck a few of the cookies before bed, I guess you were taste testing them to make sure they were okay for Santa.  Then, we watched Mickey Mouse, read your new book, checked to see where Santa was on Dad's cool Santa tracker, and you were off to bed.

Family photo in our Christmas PJs

Helping mommy write a letter to Santa

Yummy treats for Santa and his reindeer

"Mommy, those looks so good, can I have one?"

Sneaking cookies with Daddy

We woke up Christmas morning bright and early to find that Santa came to our house!  You must have been a very good girl because he left you lots of new toys.  We had a blast watching you sit in your new chair and open all of your gifts.  Some of your favorites were your new basketball hoop, your Mickey mouse microphone, picnic basket, and new pacifiers!  After we opened gifts, we ate breakfast, played for a little, and then we were off to Pittsburgh.  Luckily, you got a new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD to watch in the car, so you were a happy camper in the car!

Lots of presents from Santa, mommy and daddy, and Mom-mom on Christmas morning

I love this picture, such a daddy's girl

Testing out the food in my new picnic basket

"Wow mom, look at this.  I can start practicing now to be a basketball star!"

Addie's first Cinderella

Slam dunk!

Never too young for a little rock n roll!


Now it's time to open your stocking!

So excited for her TWO new pacifiers!  She had to test them both out right away!

Addie, you have brought so much joy to our Christmas season this year and we had a blast celebrating your first Christmas.  This year is a Christmas your dad and I will never forget!  Merry Christmas Addie girl!

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