Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Addie - Month 11

Weight-Length-Head: We have your next well check at 12 months.

Clothes: 12 months

Diapers: size 4

You finally overcame your first set of ear infections, but your first fever followed not far behind.  You just can't catch a break this winter!  I took you back to the doctor to make sure your ears weren't acting up again and luckily they were not.  You were also cutting a new tooth (You now have a total of 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top, with 2 more looking like they are going to pop through any day now!) so we decided that was the cause of your fever.  It only lasted about 24 hours and you were still pretty pleasant, but mommy and daddy don't like to see you sick.

Meal time is one of your favorite times of the day!  You LOVE to eat!  You are still a pretty good eater, although this month you decided that you no longer like veggies.  I've tried hiding them in spaghetti, applesauce, and whatever else I can think of - but you find them and spit them out!  I have been giving you a jar of baby food at dinner a couple times a week to get more veggies in you, but I'm also open to suggestions from other momma's out there on how they sneak in veggies.  On a typical day, breakfast is a blueberry pancake or cheerios and a banana, lunch is yogurt and fruit with either turkey and cheese or a whole wheat pita and hummus, and dinner is whatever we are eating.  Some of your favorites are pierogies, spaghetti and meatballs, and chicken, avocado, and cheese quesadilla.  You are also nursing 3-4 times a day.

Being on vacation from day care for 2 weeks really messed with your nap schedule while you are there.  Most days when I pick you up I find out you napped for 9 minutes or 15 minutes total, you are apparently way to busy while you are there to want to sleep.  Hopefully, that will change when you transition in the beginning of February to the next room because they have a quiet, dark nap time from 12:30-2:30.  Luckily, while you are at home, you still take 2 pretty long naps daily, about 2 hours each.  You've also started sleeping until 8:30ish, sometimes even 9:00, on the weekends and your dad and I are not complaining about that.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, standing, shaking your head and screaming - Pap does this with you too and it is hilarious, Cooper, waving hi to every single person that walks by us out in public, playing "so big", giving your baby doll a hug, throwing food and feeding Cooper, eating, getting into any and everything, exploring, all of your new toys - and you have a LOT of them!  You are one lucky little girl!

Having your face or nose wiped

-You can stand up by yourself without holding onto anything for a few seconds
-Climbing has become one of your favorite things to do.  You have no fear and your dad and I joke that we need to get you a helmet because you are constantly bumping your head.
-Grandma and Pap gave you your 1st babydoll for Christmas and you learned how to give her a hug.  It is absolutely adorable!
-We celebrated a lot of firsts this month - your 1st Christmas, 1st New Year's, and 1st time away from mommy and daddy.  We went to St. Lucia for 5 nights for NYE and you stayed with Grandma, Pap, and Aunt Kristen.  We all survived, but mommy won't be leaving you over night again for a really long time!
-You've started to cruise a little bit when you are holding onto furniture.
-You love to mimic sounds and noises that mommy and daddy make, you are very verbal and have a lot to say!

I cannot believe that you are only a month away from being ONE and we are already starting to plan your 1st birthday party, Mickey Mouse themed of course!  My sweet, little, newborn has turned into a spunky, silly, loving "almost" toddler in the blink of an eye!  Your dad and I are so lucky to be your parents and have enjoyed every moment of getting to know you over these past 11 months.  You have grown up to be the sweetest, most adorable little girl!  You are still such a happy baby and you always have a smile on your face.  You love to explore, move, and play - I would love to know what goes through that little mind of yours as you are playing with your toys.  These have been the best 11 months of our lives and we can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

One of the best things about the holidays is seeing all of our family and friends!  We started the month by celebrating Christmas with your Aunt Kristie, Uncle Keith, and cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox.  Then, we headed to Pittsburgh and saw Grandma, Pap, Uncle Jeff, Uncle, Brian, Aunt Kristen, all of the Castello's, and your Grandma and Grandpa Hall.

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