Thursday, December 25, 2014

Our Christmas Angel

Our Christmas Angel

Merry Christmas everyone!  Today is the day that people across the country are celebrating the joy of Christmas with their closest friends and family.   Houses are full of smiles and laughter, tables are full of delicious food, and there is love all around and memories to be made.  That is why Christmas is so special.  This year there are a lot of mixed emotions in our house.  We are very excited and blessed to spend our first Christmas as a family of 3.  Addie has made this holiday season so much more special and we have really enjoyed making lots of memories together as a family.  On the other hand, there will be an empty spot at the table because Eric's mom - Addie's mom-mom will not be here with us.  She is celebrating her first Christmas in Heaven.  Even though she is not physically here with us, we know that she is our Christmas angel and her presence is here at our house as we wake up on Christmas morning.  Her grandchildren were her world and I know she would just light up as she watched Addie take it all in.   She is smiling down on all of us and wishing us all a very Merry Christmas and we wish the same to her.  Merry Christmas Mom-mom, we love you and miss you very much!


A letter from Eric...

It will be one of the most bitter sweet Christmas celebrations in my life .. on one hand it is Addie's Christmas and I love her more than life itself and want her to be so happy.. on the other hand there will be a HUGE spot missing .... my mom "mom mom" will not pull into the driveway this year with loads and loads of toys for Addie... she will not greet us with that BIG smile and the mom hug we all need at least a few times a year ... Addie will not get to see her walk through the doors anymore ... it is always tough losing your mom but this time of year makes it really hard.. you see my mom and dad went all out for Christmas .. heck it's the reason I now go all out ... before mom past , she was planning on what she was going to get Addie this year for Christmas , she asked me on a few occasions to make sure we didn't get her the same thing .. she was so excited and would light up! Well mom , I went and bought everything you told me you were going get for her because if there are a few things I can promise you....that would be..... your seat will never be taken at the Christmas table, you will always have gifts under the from you and dad , and all my kids will know that mom mom spoke to Jesus and made sure that their lives would be filled with gifts and blessings... love you mom.. forever and always your son

Your 1st Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees
Around the world below,
With tiny lights, like heaven’s stars,
Reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular,
Please wipe away that tear.
For I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs,
That people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can’t compare,
With the Christmas choir up here.

For I have no words to tell you,
The joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description,
To hear an angel sing.

I can’t tell you of the splendor,
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas,
With our Savior, face to face?

I’ll ask Him to light your spirit,
As I tell Him of your love;
So then pray for one another,
As you lift your eyes above.

Please let your heart be joyful,
And let your spirit sing.
For I’m spending Christmas in Heaven,
And I’m walking with the King!

I know how much you miss me;
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I’m not so far away,
We really aren’t apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear,
And be glad I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a special gift
From my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory
Of my undying love.

After all “love” is the gift,
More precious than pure gold.
It was always most important
In the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other
As my Father said to do,
For I can’t count the blessings
Or the love He has for you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear.
Remember I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year!

-Author Unknown

We love you and will miss you like crazy this year at Christmas, but we know that you are with us every day!  Merry Christmas to our Christmas Angel! We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas up in heaven!

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