Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Your 1st Trip to the Aquarium

We went on a family outing to the aquarium a few days before Christmas this year!  It was your 1st trip to the aquarium and you LOVED everything about it!  Some of the highlights were the giant sea turtles (one of them was about to lay eggs and there was an employee who's job was to stand there 24/7 and watch for it to happen, pretty cool), taking pics in shark's mouth with mommy and daddy, standing in front of all the cool fish tanks, the hallway full of mirrors - you loved all the reflections (and looking at yourself!) and of course Scuba Santa! We had so much fun at the aquarium and plan on continuing this tradition for year's to come! 

So excited to see SCUBA Santa!

You would have stood like this for hours and watched all of the fish swim by!  You LOVED it!

Even though you don't look very happy in this pic, I promise you were having a blast!  I guess you didn't like having to stop looking at the fish to take a picture lol

You and daddy were scared of the mean crocodile!

The giant sea turtles were very friendly and photogenic!

"AHHH Daddy don't let the shark get me!:

"It's okay mommy, daddy told me his teeth were fake!"

"I'm not scared anymore!"


Having fun with mommy looking at yourself in the mirror!

Trying to get a close up(really close, close up) look at yourself!

Totally amazed by all the mirrors

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