Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Gobble!  Gobble!  This year, Thanksgiving was full of mixed emotions.  We had so much to be thankful for and really wanted to celebrate and enjoy your first Thanksgiving.  It was also a very sad time for our family because your Mom-Mom had just passed away and we all missed her so much.  When people you love pass away, it really puts life into perspective.  Family is forever and your dad and I are very thankful that God brought you into our lives and made us a family of 3 this year.  You put a smile on our faces every single day and we are so lucky to be your parents. 

We had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend this year.  One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is that it brings families together.  On Thursday, we spent the day in Raleigh at your Aunt Kristie and Uncle Keith's house.  You had a BLAST playing with your cousins, Maddox, Samantha, and Rylan.  Teresa, Cody, Dustin, and their boys also made the trip for the day.  It was really nice to be able to share your first Thanksgiving with everyone and I know that you Mom-Mom was smiling down on us the whole time!

We woke up bright and early on Friday and made the trip to Pittsburgh.  Some of the highlights of our Pittsburgh trip were the Steeler game (your dad and I went to the game, you watched from home!), family pictures, Thanksgiving Dinner round 2, catching up with the Hendry's, and a shopping spree to Ikea.

I can't get enough of that smile!
That portable DVD player was hands down the best $80 that we have spent in a really long time!  It has been a LIFESAVER!

Tailgating before the big game.

Trying Pap's famous chocolate chip pancakes for the very first time!

Cutie pie in her Steeler's jersey

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