Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holidays in the Harvell House and Tree Decorating

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Who doesn't love Christmas?  The pretty decorations, sparkling lights, gift giving, holiday baking, the big man himself - Santa, Christmas movie watching, holiday activities, I mean what's not to love!  This year has been extra special as we celebrate Addie's first Christmas.  She's at such a fun age for it too, so curious and observant to everything around her.  She loves playing with the wrapping paper, has already mastered opening presents (even if she is into the paper and the boxes more than the actual present) and could sit and stare at the lights for hours.  We are truly enjoying starting new traditions and making memories together as a family - one of our favorites so far has been spending a Saturday afternoon blasting Christmas music, sipping on homemade hot chocolate (apple juice for Addie this year) and decorating the house.  Here is a peak at Holidays in the Harvell house this year...Enjoy!    

"Hmm...what should I ask Santa for this year?" 

"The glittery red ornaments were Addie's favorites!

She was taking it all in.

....and taking snack breaks for an ornament or 2!

Now it's time to help mommy!
The finished product!
The cutest "Mistletoes" I've ever seen!

We love our new stockings, can't wait to see them filled up on Christmas morning.

Can't have Christmas in the Harvell house without a quote from Elf.

Its fun to set the table when you have pretty Christmas plates.

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