Monday, December 8, 2014

Two Peas in a Pod

Back in October, Kristen celebrated her 21st birthday and it made me realize how similar her life was to Addie's life.  We put together a photo book for Kristen in honor of her big day of the 21 ways that a drunk college student (Kristen) has in common with a baby (Addie.)

21.  Both are terrible at posing for pictures!
20.  They get caught making faces like this.
19. Only their closest family and friends appreciate their dance moves.
18.  Both believe that they could be the next contestant on The Voice.
17.  At times your sense of style is questionable...
16.  and so is your hair!
15. You both pee in public.
14.  You love everything about Red Solo Cups.
13. One word "selfie."
12.  They both feel "Pretty in Pink."
11. Seriously, neither one of you can get your food in your mouth, especially at 2am.
10. Apparently, pants are optional.
9. They both take naps between drinking..
8.  sometimes even with their 4-legged friends.
7.  They don't know when to stop drinking and always end up wasted (milk wasted of course!)
6. You both wear your sunglasses at all times of the day and night.
5.  They have terrible balance and fall over, a lot.
4.  Luckily, they always have their phone in their hand to call for help if needed.
3. They love double fisting.
2.  And after a long night of drinking you wake up looking like this.
1.  And last but not least, some things they do are just unexplainable.

Here is just a sampling of the photos used in the book...

You guys really are "two peas in a pod!"

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