Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas with the Steffanus Family

Typical family photo - being silly for the camera!
We had so much fun celebrating Christmas with your Uncle Keith, Aunt Kristie, and Cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox this year.  They came to visit for the weekend and we spent Saturday night eating, opening presents, and hanging out.  We woke up Sunday morning and I cooked everyone a big breakfast, we played a few rounds of Maddox's new game, Spot It, we had some laughs, and then they were on their way.  It was so much fun having them in town and we hope to continue this tradition for years to come!

Now for the "normal" one!
All the cousins looking cute!  It will be our little secret as to how we got them all to smile ...hint hint:  It has something to do with Uncle Keith, a walrus, and a funny sound.

I love the candid shots too!

Maddox and Addie are so cute together, he gets her to laugh like no one else can and he just loves his "baby cousin!"

I can't get enough of those smiles!

Your uncle Keith, Aunt Kristie, and cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox spoiled you to death this year!  You are one lucky girl!

Maddox loved his new game, we already played it 10 times.

.....and his new Thomas movie!

Now Addie can help me clean with her new vacuum cleaner!  Addie's favorite gift though was from her Aunt Kristie - it was a Rainbow bear from Build a Bear in memory of her Mom-mom.  Rainbow even had a special message from Mom-mom and a clip from Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  Addie loves it!

Rylan opening his new baseball bag that Uncle Eric picked out!
I was in charge of Samantha's gift and she got a new sweater and a scarf and necklace from Charming Charlies.

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